Darkflamechic's Profile


Joined on Dec 27, 2012
Status Level: Experienced

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Darkflamechic's Quizzes

Darkflamechic's Recent Posts

  • *headache*
    "Oh my gosh I found them. *breaths huge sigh of relief and stops freaking out*"
  • *headache*
    "I can't find the person I'm looking for on here no matter how many searches I run and it's seriously giving me a headache from pure frustrat..."
  • I will say a word...
  • I have a bagel!
    "D: my doughnuts! Darn it. Fine, I'll just go buy some to eat and not protect."
  • I have a bagel!
    "*bangs on safe door* hey! My doughnut! Not another one! *shoots at safe with fake laser* *gives up and goes to buy new doughnut* *locks doug..."
  • I have a bagel!
    "*Shriek*! My doughnut! D: Now I have to go all the way back to the bakery and buy another one! *runs to bakery* *comes back and throws new d..."
  • I have a bagel!
    "Wait...I don't like bagels...I have a doughnut! :3 *Locks doughnut in safe and chains up safe* no one will touch the doughnut! It is "

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