Darkflamechic's Profile

Joined on Dec 27, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
Darkflamechic's Quizzes
- I'm Done. (Darkflamechic)[published: Oct 14, 2013]
Thanks for clicking on this. I'm sorry if it's confusing or if you're mad at me or something. I guess……
- Important updates...(Darkflamechic's)[published: Jun 26, 2013, 2 comments]
So this is an explanation of why I've been gone for a while and haven't been updating my……
- "Leo" - New quiz series by Darkflamechic[published: Feb 01, 2013, 6 comments]
Hello, there! Darkflamechic here with a new story idea! Like it says down there……
Darkflamechic's Recent Posts
"Oh my gosh I found them. *breaths huge sigh of relief and stops freaking out*"
"I can't find the person I'm looking for on here no matter how many searches I run and it's seriously giving me a headache from pure frustrat..."
"D: my doughnuts! Darn it. Fine, I'll just go buy some to eat and not protect."
"*bangs on safe door* hey! My doughnut! Not another one! *shoots at safe with fake laser* *gives up and goes to buy new doughnut* *locks doug..."
"*Shriek*! My doughnut! D: Now I have to go all the way back to the bakery and buy another one! *runs to bakery* *comes back and throws new d..."
"Wait...I don't like bagels...I have a doughnut! :3 *Locks doughnut in safe and chains up safe* no one will touch the doughnut! It is "
Darkflamechic's Recent Quiz Comments
"Gossiper. Hmm..."
1 -
"Dark Heart."
2 -
"I got cute and comfy. Nice quiz! "
1 -
"91% safe thinker :D"
1 -
1 -
"I got USA."
1 -
"47%. I'm pretty sure I have it. I'm not obsessive about numbers or the order of things, but...yeah, there's other stuff."
1 -
"Aww, thank you! That really does mean a lot to me. :)
I'm currently working on my second draft of Powerful and I am much happier…"
1 -
"3% school-lover...Eh. "
1 -
"40- something %. I said yes to owning a computer, but I actually just have a tablet, so I had to skip the laptop/computer question XD"