What Is Your Mythical Creature Guardian?

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Ever wondered what type of Mythical Creature is your Guardian? Well stop wondering and take this quiz. This quiz is only for entertainment and has no resemblance to anyone's personality and appearance living or dead.

Well what is there to say now just read the first paragraph again Ever wondered what type of Mythical Creature is your Guardian? Well stop wondering and take this quiz. This quiz is only for entertainment and has no resemblance to anyone's personality and appearance living or dead.

Created by: Kish

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you could choose something to have for the rest of your life what would it be?
  2. If you had to choose between beauty and immortality what would you choose? (be honest no one can see your answer)
  3. If you had the option of having any 1 of the farm animals below what would it be?
  4. What would you rather do out of the following?
  5. Answer honestly, can you swim?
  6. If you could have 1 of these powers what would it be?
  7. No offense intended but are you religious?
  8. Imagine you find a small dangerous looking sea creature stranded on a beach just at the edge of the water. What would you do with it?
  9. What abnormal power would you rather have out of these?
  10. You see your best friend being bullied at school. What do you do?
  11. If you could be the son or daughter of a famous Greek God who would it be?
  12. Do you like watching horror movies?
  13. Do you like to sing?
  14. Do you ever get sea sick when you go for a ride in a boat?
  15. Which of these abnormal animals would you rather have as a pet?
  16. Have you saved anybody's life before?
  17. Are you afraid of the dark?(be honest)
  18. Have you ever drowned before?
  19. Quick question answer quickly... Single or Taken?
  20. Last question, would you like to fly?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Mythical Creature Guardian?