Offbeat Quizzes
- Quizzes
- Offbeat
The quizzes of this category are hard to describe. They don't exactly fit into any other category. Well just look down below and you'll see what I mean. They're a whole lot of fun though, so take them and share your results!
The Offbeat List
- What kind of wings would you have?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 4.37rated: 4.37/5, published: Oct 7, 2016]
Would your wings be like those of a butterfly? Or something more dark and sinister?
- Which of the Four Horses of the Apocalypse are you?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 4.3rated: 4.3/5, published: Oct 16, 2016]
There are four horsemen of the apocalypse, and each one rides a unique horse that carries them through destruction. Which one of these horses are you? Take…
- Which accounting standard are you?[by: Rosemary, rated: 4.16rated: 4.16/5, published: Oct 9, 2018]
Ever wondered what AASB accounting standard you are? Now you can find out!
- What Sneeze Do You Have Based On Your Personality?[by: Rowan, rated: 4.12rated: 4.12/5, published: Aug 7, 2019]
Welcome to my little quiz! Some people say that certain traits about you can reveal secrets to your personality, like that older children tend to be more…
- What Kind of Serial Killer Would You Be?[by: Zennybee, rated: 3.88rated: 3.88/5, published: Jul 27, 2006]
These criminals are driven by a variety of motivations and have different traits, like intelligence or impulsivity.
- ...The Cake Quiz...[by: BD, rated: 3.83rated: 3.83/5, published: Nov 4, 2006]
Cakes are wonderful things. Delicious, tasty, mouthwatering scrumptiously delightful... Well, you get the idea. But have you ever wondered what you would be…
- What Kind of Criminal Are You?[by: Jared Erdman, rated: 3.82rated: 3.82/5, published: Nov 23, 2007]
If you've ever wondered what kind of criminal you'd be if you chose a life of crime, this quiz will give you the answer.
- What's Your Potato Chip Flavor?[by: Spas12, rated: 3.74rated: 3.74/5, published: Jan 11, 2011]
Which potato chip flavor best represents your personality? Will it be a flavor you enjoy or something you wouldn't eat?
- How Did You Die In a Past Life?[by: Anastasia, rated: 3.59rated: 3.59/5, published: Sep 15, 2010]
There are many ways you can die. It could be by your own will, against your will, completely sudden or unknowingly, sad, crazy, or maybe funny. The choices…
- The Most Amazing Qu--Hey, Look, Candy![by: Teddy Leezard, rated: 3.58rated: 3.58/5, published: Jan 21, 2007]
You've taken quizzes that tell you what kind of person you are based on logical questions. This is not that!
- How many angry monkey wizards will ruin your parade?[by: Pichu, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Apr 30, 2015]
This is a quiz to find out how many monkeys would attend your festival. Remember though. I just hope that monkeys like you, and I hope that you're a lucky…
- How Much Of A Pillow Are You?[by: Katherine Khoury, rated: 4.67rated: 4.67/5, published: Jan 9, 2015]
There are many pillows put onto this planet, but how much of a pillow are you? A pillow is someone who is caring, kind, a good listener, and everything else…
- Which Digestive Enzyme Are You?[by: Gruncle, rated: 4.53rated: 4.53/5, published: Mar 28, 2014]
Finally an answer to the age-old question, "Which Digestive Enzyme Am I"? Who cares which superhero, state, actor or movie you are? What you really want to…
- The McDonald's Apocalypse Quiz[by: Yuri Andropov, rated: 4.3rated: 4.3/5, published: Dec 5, 2021]
Imagine if the movie "Red Dawn" became a reality, but instead of fighting for the hammer and sickle, the troops landing in your town were fighting for the…
- What kind of peanut are you?[by: Bobby, rated: 4.22rated: 4.22/5, published: Dec 30, 2014]
Peanuts don't get a lot of respect in our society these days, and something tells me that sometimes you don't either. But you know what? YOU deserve more than…
- Your Life as a Sock[by: Cassandra, rated: 3.8rated: 3.8/5, published: Mar 12, 2016]
Socks are amazing. Let us quote Dumbledore: "Me? I see myself holding a pair of woolen socks. One can never have enough socks." You get Christmas gifts in…
- Which Symbol in the Binary Numeral System Are You?[by: Me, rated: 3.77rated: 3.77/5, published: Jul 28, 2014]
The ancient Chinese believed that the depths of one's soul could only be known through one's answers to a series of random or, even better, market…
- How many 9 year olds can you beat in a fight?[by: scratchmaster, rated: 3.65rated: 3.65/5, published: Mar 17, 2020]
Hello! Welcome to my quiz, where you can determine how many nine year olds you are capable of beating in a fight. Don't take it seriously, I'm not saying to…
- Shiny's Randomness Quiz[by: Akhil, rated: 3.42rated: 3.42/5, published: Jul 2, 2006]
There are many strange people in this world; some are intentionally so, others are just plain crazy. But there are very few people who are truly random; it…
- How gassy are you?[by: Morgan Le Fay, rated: 3.36rated: 3.36/5, published: Jun 10, 2006]
Some people are born with a gift that most aspire to. Some others are rather less fortunate. Are you in this latter group?
- What Kid's Toy Are You?[by: MeganAllli, rated: 3.36rated: 3.36/5, published: Jan 31, 2009]
We all have a little bit of kid in our heart. Answering twelve simple questions will determine which childhood toy you miss the most. Could be fun, everyone…
- Pirate or Cowboy?[by: Karen, rated: 3.33rated: 3.33/5, published: May 13, 2006]
A quiz for the ladies--who would you rather be swept off your feet by, a pirate or a cowboy? This quiz will tell you.
- What's wrong with you?[by: amazon, rated: 3.29rated: 3.29/5, published: Apr 16, 2008]
There are many people out there asking themselves what the hell is wrong with them. Why can't I get a date? Why am I always tired? Why do I have so many guys…
- Which renewable energy source are you?[by: Lexa, rated: 3.23rated: 3.23/5, published: Jun 2, 2009]
If you were suddenly transformed into a renewable energy source, wouldn't you want to know which one it would be?
- How Zesty Are YOU?[by: Mark, rated: 3.16rated: 3.16/5, published: May 26, 2006]
Zestiness is not easily quantified, but this quiz can pin it down for you. Can you legitimately call yourself zesty?
- What would your name be if you were an old lady?[by: Tyger, rated: 3.14rated: 3.14/5, published: May 2, 2009]
You never knew you needed to know your old lady name until now. It wasn't something you considered. But now you can't ignore it.
- The Six Katie Quiz[by: PostModern5leaze, rated: 2.9rated: 2.9/5, published: Jun 30, 2006]
There are six different shades of Katie, and perhaps many more. Archaeologists who bothered to dig deep enough into her soul managed to find six, so that's…
- Are you a Spaghetti Dinner?[by: Kiss, rated: 2.88rated: 2.88/5, published: Jul 22, 2013]
Some people compare themselves to celebrities or characters as you have seen in my other quizzes, but I figured I would do things a little differently this…
- How Fat do You Act?[by: mike, rated: 2.88rated: 2.88/5, published: Jul 7, 2006]
This quiz is designed for people to see just how fat they act so that they do not become that fat in their body. It's funny and helpful.
- What Kind Of Flake Are You?[by: amazon, rated: 2.85rated: 2.85/5, published: Apr 4, 2007]
Well, I took a quiz about what ornament I should be, and it came out a Snowflake. It prompted discussion with my father about different kinds of flakes and…
- What were you in your past life?[by: Kathrine, rated: 2.83rated: 2.83/5, published: Nov 11, 2013]
Those who believe in reincarnation believe we were all something else that came back as a person. What were you before?
- Are you Bea Arthur?[by: ez_willis, rated: 2.75rated: 2.75/5, published: Aug 5, 2006]
There are only two types of people in this world, those that ARE Bea Arthur, and those that AREN'T Bea Arthur!!
- Do you enjoy rechargeable batteries[by: Edward Timbo, rated: 2.71rated: 2.71/5, published: Oct 6, 2006]
This quiz seriously determines whether batteries and all electronic devices play a major part in your life! Should there be a power cut, would you survive?…
- Do You Handle Pain Well?[by: flyer586, rated: 2.58rated: 2.58/5, published: Feb 8, 2012]
Do you cry over a paper cut or stubbed toe? Or can you handle even the most intense pain?
- What Kind of Munch Are You?[by: rod, rated: 2.54rated: 2.54/5, published: Jun 28, 2006]
Everyone wants to know whether they are a Nub, a Weebee, or a Fashizzle! Which badge will you wear proudly at your next social gathering? No matter which one…
- The Body Shape Quiz[by: Spicetown09, rated: 2.42rated: 2.42/5, published: Feb 15, 2009]
There are many factors that determine body shape such as diet, genetics, and lifestyle. If you would like to know for certain, what your body type is, please…
- How Normal are you?[by: Manu, rated: 2.31rated: 2.31/5, published: Nov 16, 2013]
If you've ever questioned your normality, you will be interested to take this quiz and see your true result.
- What kind of scrunchi are you?[by: Magen, rated: 2.22rated: 2.22/5, published: Jul 11, 2006]
Today is the day you learn about your inner scrunchy. It helps you to see what kind of person you are.
Aliens Quizzes
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Monsters Quizzes
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Mythical Creatures Quizzes
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Nonsense Quizzes
- Will a muffin make granny jumper scream toast?[by: JustCallMeDevastated, rated: 4.34rated: 4.34/5, published: Jul 31, 2010]
Is toast a good ice cream flavor? Will the squirrels find the mayonnaise? Watch for gramma now.
- Nonsense is the meaning of oranges[by: EnferCat7757, rated: 4.46rated: 4.46/5, published: Mar 27, 2021]
You can photograph your enemies’ mirror while calling grandma a turkey waterfall. Mining Potato ore is illegal in various parts of Indonesia and on Pluto (the…
- How Purple are your socks?[by: Anella, rated: 2.9rated: 2.9/5, published: Mar 28, 2007]
There are many silly ducklings in this spoon. If you love to bathe at 10:34 am while listening to Spicegirls, you will enjoy this mountain. This quiz will…
Paranormal Quizzes
Find them on our Paranormal page.
Unconventional Beliefs Quizzes
- What is your Euclidean aura?[by: Euclidean Scholar, rated: 4.56rated: 4.56/5, published: Apr 4, 2021]
There are six different Euclidean auras, some quite common, and others significantly more rare. Take this short quiz to determine which aura you possess!
- Atmospheric Entity Discernment[by: Atmospheric Acolyte, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: Apr 5, 2021]
Through this short discernment exercise, you will gain a better understanding of how you fit into the atmosphere of our mirrored realities.
Zombie Survival Quizzes
Find them on our Zombie Survival page.
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