How many angry monkey wizards will ruin your parade?

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This is a quiz to find out how many monkeys would attend your festival. Remember though. I just hope that monkeys like you, and I hope that you're a lucky happy-go-lucky person.

Want to know how many flying magical magician monkeys are going to attend your festival? Well take this quiz and you will find out! Hopefully none will attend!

Created by: Pichu
  1. How many times have you tripped and fallen?
  2. How many times have you accidentally bumped into something??
  3. How often do you knock things over accidentally?
  4. Ever been in any sort of car accident?
  5. Have you ever found anything of value on the ground?
  6. Do you often win luck based events like raffles, lotteries or 'guess the number' games?
  7. Do you often find yourself in the middle of traffic or a long waiting line?
  8. Do you have any unique illnesses or medication conditions?
  9. Do you take medications? How frequently?
  10. How often are you lost in thought? You completely forget what you were thinking about previously but try to remember?
  11. Would you say you're a lucky person or an unlucky person?
  12. Are you a happy or sad person?
  13. Are you good at a lot of things?
  14. It doesn't matter if it's online or in real life.. Do you have a lot of friends?
  15. How much sleep you be gettin?
  16. How's your grades in school? Or when you were in school..
  17. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  18. What do you think of yourself?
  19. Ever played around with magic? Would you give it a try?
  20. What do you think of monkeys?

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Quiz topic: How many angry monkey wizards will ruin my parade?