Monkeys I love monkeys!

Monkeys are also known as a species that has the ability to produce more than one million plants in 6 months and you can see that there is only 78 monkeys left in the world.

So let's see what you know about monkeys!1÷4=???8>6<5_=4÷3 Mathematics for Monkeys in Samsung Notes. Monkeys are the best,right? Find out today in this quiz!

Created by: Theodore
  1. Do monkeys have great eyesight?
  2. What favourite food do monkeys like?
  3. Do really good monkeys get lots of bananas?
  4. Monkeys get 1,234 bananas each day?
  5. Do joined monkeys in a group fight over bananas?
  6. Do monkey gifs have real monkeys in them?
  7. Do monkeys have really big heads?
  8. Do monkeys like their hair?
  9. Good luck can come to monkeys?
  10. Do trained monkeys do their hair?

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