What is your iq? (50 average 75 genius) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your iq? (50 average 75 genius).
Your results for this quiz have been calculated and are presented below:
You have an IQ of 18% 18%Ummmm... you're pretty stupid. I hate to break it to you but, you are a part of the very low minded population. You way below average and probably didn't make through Elementary school.
Yes I did make it through elementary school, did you make it through b---- school? Sounds like it
I got a 45% and I'm in just about all honors classes (the one I'm not in I have been told numerous times that I should be in it) with ATLEAST a 90% in every class. My overall average is a 96%. I hope to graduate top 10, and AT THE VERY LEAST to 20 in my class and if I don't I will be beyond devestated. No offense, but I highly doubt I am below average intelligence.
IQ is only a measure of intelligence in children, so this is a pretty fair quiz given the demographics of this website. However, since IQ=(mental age)/(chronological age), it cannot be used to calculate adults' intelligence because after about 25 years of age, fluid intelligence doesn't change with age.
You have an IQ of 64%
You are around average or a bit above. Pretty well done I must say. At least most people you meet will be about as smart as you. Good job!
yay!! I hate question 3, I know you got it from another Iq test on the internet whoever wrote that question why they have to make it so annoying!!
You have an IQ of 100%
Amazing! You are incredibly smart and you are in the top %15 of people so if someone challenges you to a battle of wits, take them on! Your quite a bit above genius!
I don't consider myself that smart...
You have an IQ of 91% 91%
Amazing! You are incredibly smart and you are in the top %15 of people so if someone challenges you to a battle of wits, take them on! Your quite a bit above genius!
You are below average intelligence. So
that means most people you meet
will be a lot smarter than you. You are
pretty dumb. No offense,
Eh screw you -
Well...64%. It's a misconception that high IQ = scoring good grades in school, or vice versa. They are different things.
I suppose it doesn't help that I've seen some of those questions before? ;)
You have an IQ of 82%. You are very superior or even a genius if you scored above 75. Go challenge people with your mind! You will most likely win!
You have an IQ of 64% 64%
You are around average or a bit above. Pretty well done I must say. At least most people you meet will be about as smart as you. Good job!
I'm quite happy with that. :-)
Bex1231 -
I complemented the quiz and shared an interesting fact. What's the problem?
And some people are so hateful and immature....
Personally, I didn't like this quiz. I got a 27% and i get straight A pluses in school.
mimimoose is so boring and weird, they only take education-like quizzes, same with Kevie - they both sound like they have no personality.
Fair quiz...
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