RainbowCake's Profile

Joined on Feb 11, 2014
Status Level: Novice
RainbowCake's Quizzes
- Am I beautiful?[published: Feb 11, 2014, 4 comments]
Are you beautiful? Yes you are. Bullies are jealous and they should be. You are beautiful inside and out. God……
RainbowCake's Recent Posts
"I love three days grace"
"I love belly dancing"
"Katy Perry in my opinion"
"Is anybody on?"
"Bored bored bored"
"What's up ?"
"I had to see what would happen :)"
">(^_^)< kitty"
"What state are you from? I live in Oregon but I'm moving to Michigan in August"
"Eating pizza"
"Hey what's up"
"Anybody here?"
RainbowCake's Recent Quiz Comments
"That really helps. Thanks:)"
1 -
""You are 10% evil!" 10%
You're not evil at all!This quiz is definitely not for you!You are a kind and loving person,I wonder why…"
3 replies2 -
You are 27% Awesome! I love you! 27%You know somewhat about awesomeness. You are very very very very very very very very…"
1 -
"90% fun quiz:)"
1 -
"Nope you guessed gray but I'm wearing a black shirt with a bright sparkly hello kitty on it"
1 -
"What warrior cat are you?
Your Result: Tigerstripe 79%A dark grey cat, warrior of Shadowclan, you are ambitious and cruel,…"
1 -
"What Is Your True Personality?
Your Result: Thrill Seeker 82%You thrive on excitement. Unlike Professional Men/Women, Thrill…"
1 -
"Cookie! Yum yum"
1 -
"Your results for this quiz have been calculated and are presented below:
You have an IQ of 18% 18%Ummmm... you're…"
1 -
"Yay I'm fuzzyWuzzy Bunny!!!!!!!"