mimimoose's Profile

Joined on Sep 26, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
mimimoose's Quizzes
- Easy physics quiz #2![published: Jan 31, 2014]
Want to see how well you know physics? Then take this quiz and test your knowledge of this science. Or……
- Easy physics quiz![published: Jan 30, 2014, 2 comments]
Want to see how well you know physics? Then take this quiz and test your knowledge of this science. Or just……
- The Impossible Quiz: Yes or No?[published: Dec 26, 2013, 1 comment]
I know this quiz looks simple and pointless, but bear with it. This quiz is a scientific……
- I can guess your age![published: Dec 22, 2013, 20 comments]
Did you ever wonder how old you were? Me neither. However, you should still take this quiz to find out!……
- Would you survive in my school?[published: May 05, 2013, 2 comments]
Would you survive to graduate from my school? Chances are, you won't. In fact, I have known at……
- Do you annoy me?[published: Apr 06, 2013, 1 comment]
There are some traits that I just can't stand in people. If someone has many of them, they annoy me very much.……
- How To Tell If a Shy Girl Likes You[published: Mar 10, 2013, 3 comments]
Is your crush shy? Unfortunately, it's extremely hard to tell if a shy girl likes you,……
- Do you see the same letter colors as me?[published: Feb 16, 2013, 5 comments]
This is a test to see if your letter-color synesthesia is similar to mine. DON'T TAKE……
- Passive Sentence Grammar Quiz[published: Nov 14, 2012, 1 comment]
Grammar is extremely hard for some people--but mainly because they weren't taught it properly.……
- How ME are YOU?[published: Oct 31, 2012, 1 comment]
Everybody is a different person, but some people are very similar. How alike are we? Take this quiz to find out……
- What element are you?[published: Oct 14, 2012, 12 comments]
There are probably a million "What element are you?" quizzes out there, but this is probably the only one……
- How fast are you?[published: Sep 26, 2012, 10 comments]
Many people think they can run, although only a couple are really dedicated to the sport. Take this quiz to……
- What Hunger Games character are you most like?[published: Sep 26, 2012, 2 comments]
Take this quiz if you are a Hunger Games fan! I know, there are millions of……
- Are you a real New Yorker?[published: Sep 23, 2012, 1 comment]
Many people claim to be New Yorkers. Over two thirds of them are probably tourists or liars. But……
mimimoose's Recent Posts
"Ooh cool! Great job. What was your distance/time? Last week I threw the discus 76 feet flat but that's pretty awful. i'm not good at discus"
"Being sore is good! It means you're building muscle. Don't worry, it will go away sooner or later."
"Ok great! At least you are running because running is awesome! If you do get injured however (hopefully not :) ), definitely go see a sports..."
"Why would anyone trust the fifth link that pops up after google "how to run faster"? It's the first rule of the internet--don't trust anythi..."
"Don't trust everything you read online. That website is NOT credible."
"Shin pains are a result of heel striking. That's why racewalkers always get shin splints! Striking on the balls of your feet strengthens the..."
"Yes, your calves will get sore at first from running on the balls of your feet, but that means they will strengthen in the long run (no pun ..."
"Actually, running on your toes (well, the balls of your feet more accurately) is perfectly fine. That's how sprinters run, because it does i..."
"I workout every day, but that's because I run xc and track. I usually run about 8 miles a day after school for practice and do other conditi..."
"I thought you ran track."
"Um, first of all--eat!!!! Why haven't you eaten? Second of all, that vaccine isn't literally for cervical caner. It's for HPV"
"A vaccine is literally an injection of a small amount of the virus/bacteria it's preventing. It's normal to feel slight symptoms of that vir..."
"It really depends. I ran the mile in about 5:50 when I was that age, but I was on my high school track team. If you don't specifically train..."
"But if they're 1 foot taller than for their age, shouldn't they also be heavier...? Plus, 11-year-olds do NOT need to be working out."
"Well, check back in a year or two when you have grown about half a foot, gained some weight, and your appetite is back down. (This same exac..."
mimimoose's Recent Quiz Comments
"@chocolatefrog: ?
@mathemania: Me too! Each day has a color, but mine are different from yours. Monday=red, Tuesday=green (same!),…"
1 -
"Seven. Good quiz, the questions were really entertaining!"
1 -
"Doesn't "agape" mean staring at something with your mouth wide open in shock?"
1 -
"Eeewww I got Justin Beiber! Good quiz except for my result, but I guess that's my fault right."
1 -
"Ok! The last couple questions were pretty good--maybe make some more like those."
1 -
"I said it was an accurate quiz. For physical age--the questions were much more about the quiztaker's surroundings than about themselves."
1 -
"Accurate quiz, but all the answers were pretty obvious."
1 -
"41%, pretty average. This is a really good quiz. Unlike many of the other quizzes on this site, yours is sophisticated and logical.…"
1 -
"I complemented the quiz and shared an interesting fact. What's the problem?"
1 -
"And some people are so hateful and immature...."