What Heroes of Olympus / Percy Jackson Character are you?

This is a fun and easy quiz to find out what PJatO/HoO character you are. Please note there are spoilers, and if you get Jason one major spoiler for the Trials of Apollo.

I hope you enjoy it! And Please ignore the spelling mistakes, I'm only 12. This is my first quiz so don't judge! Have fun! ☺☺☺ P.s. I have read Percy Jackson and the Olympians 17 times. I bet you haven't read it THAT much hahahaha!

Created by: Mila
  1. Lets start with a simple question: what is your fave colour?
  2. What is your Hogwarts house? If you don't know, so the pottermore quiz. And don't put the house you want to be, put your true house.
  3. Do you have a crush on any of the characters?
  4. Who is your favourite out of the seven?
  5. You're bored. What do you do?
  6. Can you tell this quiz is made by a 12 year old girl in the dark in bed?
  7. How do you like this quiz so far?
  8. One last question: how do u see yourself? tell the truth now.
  9. Oh wait, it says I need 2 more questions.
  10. Bye bye then!

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Quiz topic: What Heroes of Olympus / Percy Jackson Character am I?
