Who is your Percy Jackson boyfriend?

In this quiz you can find out which Heroes of Olympus character would be the most ideal couple for you. (This ignores the fact that Nico is gay) None of the boys even have a girlfriend.

The story is that you arrive at Camp Half-Blood. You see this boy, you really like him, but he disappears from your sight. You decide to find him. The endings: Jason, Percy, Nico, Leo, Frank.

Created by: Mesi
  1. You arrive at Camp Half-Blood. A nice, helpful girl from the Demeter house will show you around. As you reach the clearing in front of the house of the gods, you catch a glimpse of a:
  2. As soon as you see the boy, he disappears from your sight. You are a little disappointed, but the girl continues the tour. She shows you where you live until you find out your god parent. It leads to the 11th house, the house of Hermes. The people inside will show you your new place. After that, you immediately leave the house to find that mysterious boy. As you leave, you immediately stumble upon a blond boy wielding a golden spear. Hi-The boy greets you. What do you answer?
  3. You go further. At the target shooting boards you see a brown-eyed boy with a large bow on his back. What do you do?
  4. It's lunchtime. As you head towards the dining room, you stumble upon a grim demigod wearing dark clothes. What do you do?
  5. After eating, you set off to visit the Hephaestus bungalow, because You heard that you can get the best weapons in the whole camp there. When you get to the house, a swarthy, smiling, curly-haired boy comes out the door. He's a little surprised, but he says, "What are you doing here? Can I help you?" How do you decide?
  6. A boy with black hair and green eyes sits by the canoe. He shapes the water in his hands as if he were playing with plasticine. He notices you staring. He waves to you.
  7. You know that the boys you met are Jason, son of Jupiter, Nico, son of Hades, Leo, son of Hephaestus, Frank, son of Mars, and Percy, son of Poseidon. Which cabin are you going to?Where did you meet the boy you like the most?
  8. Sorry, but I don't want any more questions, and the outcome won't depend on them.
  9. Jdlx
  10. Labdufnf

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Quiz topic: Who is my Percy Jackson boyfriend?
