Which Boy in the Seven are you? (HoO)

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Hey fellow Percy Jackson nerds! *WARNING: This has spoilers for heroes of Olympus, and If you get Jason, one MAJOR Trials of Apollo spoiler, so consider yourself WARNED*

So I added Nico in this quiz because the quiz is excluded to only boys in the 7, and it feels mean to leave him out. (I also feel like he should be in the 7 so there.)

Created by: PJO
  1. How would your friends describe you?
  2. What camp are you in?
  3. Be honest, how are you today?
  4. What is your favorite series in Percy Jackson?
  5. What was your LEAST favorite series in Percy Jackson?
  6. Be perfectly honest, did you like Octavian?
  7. How confident are you?
  8. What style is your sense of humor?
  9. What is your style of clothes?
  10. How do you feel about Nico not being in the 7?

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Quiz topic: Which Boy in the Seven am I? (HoO)
