Which of the seven demigods+ Nico are you?

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The Heroes of Olympus is one of my all time favorite series, and it contains so many dynamic characters with vivid personalities. There's Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and so many more.

Since each of the characters have unique personalities, almost everyone has a matching hero. With this quiz, you will be able to find out (If you don't already know) who yours is. Enjoy!

Created by: Festus of Pinterest
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  1. Lets get started; How are you doing?
  2. Now let's actually start the quiz. Would you say ur more Greek or Roman
  3. Are you human?
  4. Who is your favorite?
  5. Which Harry Potter character are you?
  6. Which of the following best describes you?
  7. What is your least favorite color?
  8. What do you like to do when bored?
  9. Who do you think you'll get?
  10. Last but not least(this won't affect your result), How was the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which of the seven demigods+ Nico am I?
