Which of the Seven from HoO are you?

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This quiz is about the Heroes of Olympus. Are you Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Jason, or Piper? This is a short quiz so you can find out. Good luck!

(Sigh, the second paragraph…) Please be honest here and if you don’t get who you want just do it again. (THIS STILL AIN’T ENOUGH LETTERS?) *monster warding sign* Go ahead, demigod!

Created by: ChildOfHades_714
  1. (Don’t kill me) Favorite color?
  2. Pick a weapon.
  3. Just. Answer. It.
  4. Least favorite of these gods/goddesses
  5. Choose a power.
  6. What describes you best?
  7. Your fear? (Of the following)
  8. Choose a place.
  9. What number?
  10. Favorite character (will barely affect score)

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Quiz topic: Which of the Seven from HoO am I?
