Which demigod are you from Heroes of Olympus

Want to see what character you are? This is the quiz, scroll down to get more answers. Thank you for other quizzes that helped me think of ideas. Do you like Heroes Of Olympus? Here you can see which character lies you.

So go get started I hope you enjoy it! Scroll down to get the quiz. Spoiler Alert!!! There are 15 questions and 10 people you could get so keep trying and maybe you could find another of my quizzes if you liked this one.

Created by: JellyBean
  1. Hello, this is my first quiz and I hope you enjoy it.
  2. I am gonna let Annabeth ask this one. (Annabeth)What are you most good at?
  3. I am gonna let Percy pick this one. (Percy) If you could have one power what would it be?
  4. What weapon would you choose?
  5. Who is your favorite character out of the ones listed below? Mine is Percy or Annabeth. By the way, this won't count with your points
  6. I am gonna let Clarisse pick this one. (Claisse)Who is your favorite god?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. What is your favorite camp?
  9. What are you scared of?
  10. Have things happened in your life that you can't explain?
  11. Who is your enemy?
  12. Which word describes you?
  13. How old do you think you act?
  14. Would you join the hunt?
  15. What would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which demigod am I from Heroes of Olympus

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