What emoji are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz What emoji are you?
Welp. It's true. I LOVE sports, even though I try not to get involved (The team you want always ends up losing! Disappointment is overwhelming in both sports and politics). Sports are great. If I was allowed to PLAY one, I wouldn't be overweight! Sigh. SO yeah, great quiz 'cause I love sports.
Weirdhead11 -
I got a laughing emoji
amazingclaws11 -
Dude. Really. When I was younger I got one of those creepy messages that said if I didn't do it there would be a dead little girl in my room that night. If I did do it my crush would tell me they liked me. I did it. NOTHING HAPPENED!! You r a creepy sicko
No kidding, I'm cunfosed...seriously!
Yeah ur so confusing
That's kinda random... uh..
well okay then. that is disturbing so imma leave now.
Pretty sure this was a different quiz and he meant to paste the result he got and not..this
What? I legit got the love emoji, like WHAT? I meant I fall in love easily with fictional characters, for example, Kee...
What emoji are you?
Your Result: 93%You are the emoji!!!! Good for you!!! You laugh alot and you love to smile!!! You are a very, very, very happy person. That's great!!!
same thing same %
What emoji are you?Your Result: 86%
You are the emoji!!!!!! Good for you!!! You fall in love easily and you are sweet. You are a very lovely person to be with.
Your Result: 93%
You are the emoji!!!!!! Good for you!!! You fall in love easily and you are sweet. You are a very lovely person to be with.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize he likes you.if you don't send this to 5 other quizzes you will have relationship problems for the next 10 years if you post this on 10 other quizzes you will get everything you want tomorrow.
He? What about they/she? There is LGBTQ+
Yessss omg so true!! Lol like what abt queer peeps?
lilisaw1 -
I doing this not cause I believe it I dont believe it but cause it seems pretty funny
What emoji are you?
Your Result: 83%You are sports emojis!!! Good for you!!! You love sports! From tennis to basketball. Soccer to hockey. Football to baseball. You are and always will be a sports lover.
76% 76% 55% 39% 0%
Star12282 -
It said Im the emoji and apparently it means I dont get angry a lot witch isnt true because I literally have anger issues. I was really expecting the emoji because I almost have no emotion most of the time.
Posting as my sister: You haven't got a rugby ball, just a stupid American Football!
Lol don't know why she cares-actually she plays for rugby so she is annoyed with this quiz! :/
Your Result:
100%You are the emoji. So. You do get angry or frustrated easily. Your friends probably are getting a little... Um.... Tired of it. Sorry!!!
79% 27% 14% 0% 0%
SInce you put in the devil emoji in there a lot I was hopping to get that one cause its my most fav one but its not a choice sadly T-T
Haha I love to dance, have been taking classe since two years old. I count it as a sport so I kept putting that like I play a sport and stuff so it game me every sport emoji possible lol hahahahaha.
Geneer271 -
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize he likes you.if you don't send this to 5 other quizzes you will have relationship problems for the next 10 years if you post this on 10 other quizzes you will get everything you want tomorrow.
Im and im actually been couple days just sad couse Technoblade died and im a really big fan and cared about him so much, it feels like my life has now a hole in it, agen.im also bullied so it makes me sad.
Venkkuu_1 -
What emoji are you?
Your Result: 80%You are the emoji!!!! Good for you!!! You laugh alot and you love to smile!!! You are a very, very, very happy person. That's great!!!
Do I look happy? *Stabbing fangirl*
I got sports comments but I was hoping for the devil because I am so evil
I got which made me angry. I havent tested for it but my friends say I have anger issues. So not really surprised meaning this quiz is accurate!
I got the anger emoji btw
I got
Zeeeeee0 -
SAMEEEEEEE but I have like only some anger issues but not with mah friends only with my mom cause shes a b-----
Your Result: 93%
You are the emoji!!!! Good for you!!! You laugh alot and you love to smile!!! You are a very, very, very happy person. That's great!!!
86% 53% 51% 41% 4%
Umm no I think which isn't here describes me better
I got "" I do fall in love easily, but only if I like their personality! And ye I am a very cool person to hangout with
K1rby_1 -
like omg I got the best emoji ever to EXIST!!!! I love yah quiz oh I was taking this quiz while I got boba tea like I loves it thanks so much for da quiz and I hope to take another one of your quizzes my bestie just like took the quiz befor me and told me to take the QUIZ AND IT WAS AMZBALLS thxz so muchhhhh
Did you fail english or something? Your grammer is SO BAD!!! XD
Yams1 -
Umm wtf are you saying bro
Lol sports! Sports sports sports
Oneonta2 -
I got the angry emojiš” I do get mad occasionally, but I feel like... just no noononononononononono. Wish there were more questions too tho.
I got sporty emojis XD awesome!
Kinsey121 -
What emoji are you?
Your Result: 93%You are the emoji!!!!!! Good for you!!! You fall in love easily and you are sweet. You are a very lovely person to be with.
80% 73% 54% 46% 0%