Geneer27's Profile

Joined on Nov 27, 2022
Status Level: Novice
Geneer27's Quizzes
- Are you an extrovert or an introvert???[published: Nov 28, 2022, 2 comments]
Have you ever wondered if you are an introvert or an extrovert??? Well by taking this……
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Geneer27's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got a lab and I have a lab!!!"
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"time for a random quiz!"
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In response to Zimswife:
"Introvert,very true I don't trust many people…"
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"didnt work i got 406 and im 12"
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"This broski thinks knowing spinach is a vegetable means you should be in college. *Slaps face.*"
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"Hold up you hate candy??? LIKE ALL CANDY?!?!?! Please tell there's an exception with, like, one type..."
In response to Zimswife:
"October,I do like lots of the paranormal…"
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"My birth month had the least percentage hahaha."
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"I think the friend one gave it"
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"I'm almost thirteen so it guessed right!
I can guess your age!
Your Result: 11-15 93%You are now either a teenager or…"
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"Bro can't even spell questions right lol but I mean to be fair you did guess correctly."