How much do you know about cats?

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Do you love cats, do you want a cat? Well here's the place to figure out just how much you know about cats. The questions asked in this quiz are relatively easy to answer, so if you don't know it, then you don't know a whole lot about cats.

If you want a cat, and you get a low percentage on this quiz, you need to research more about cats. If you have a cat and you get a low percentage on this quiz, you really need to study your cat.

Created by: Lilah
  1. What is a common misconception with cats?
  2. What is a widely unknown fact about cats?
  3. How are a human's diet diffident from a cat's diet?
  4. How are cats different from humans?
  5. What is the most sensitive part of a cat's body?
  6. What are the average cat's 3 main priorities?
  7. True or false? Cats are part of the canine family.
  8. True or false? Cats can grow up in about a year?
  9. Can cats be trained?
  10. True or false? Cats are born with 26 teeth?
  11. True or false? Cats whiskers are to decide whether to eat something or not?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about cats?
