Warrior Cats Love Story Part 1(Birth to Elder Kit)

Hi, everyone! This is my first Warrior cats love story. I've been testing myself on other quizzes, and it's been so fun that I tried to do mine. Please leave positive comments!!!

Okay, so I'll tell you your basic OC. You're a she-cat that has amber eyes with pale yellow fur. Your name is Amberkit, and you're in ThunderClan. You're mother is Mintpelt and your father is the deputy, Cloudeye. You have 2 siblings, Greenkit and Cloverkit.

Created by: Silverdapple10
  1. 1. How old are you?
  2. 2. You are in a dark space, and you realize this as the inside of your mother's stomach. What do you feel?
  3. 3. You feel as if something is pushing you outside. You come out into the world as a squirming, helpless heap. You fall into a deep sleep...You see shining lights and realize you are out of the dark cavern, when you see a pair of startling green eyes. The kit introduces himself, "Hi! The name's Flamekit. What's your name?"You answer, "I-i-it's Amberkit."
  4. 4. You see a gray cat snoring, and you giggle. Flamekit sighs and says, "Ignore him. He's a weirdo, can you hear him snore?! I think you would hear him from the other side of the camp!"
  5. 5. Two moons later, you notice a cat you've never seen before. You murmur to your mother, "Who is he?"Your mother answers, "That's Rosekit. He was sick along with his littermates, so he spent his time in the medicine den from birth."
  6. 6. It's the day before your warrior ceremony. You're tussling with Flamekit and Pebblekit. Rosekit comes up and says, "I know I'm weak, but I think I can handle it. Can I do that too?"Flamekit answers, "Yeah, sure."Pebblekit says, "Nonononono. You're still to weak."All three toms turn to you and say, "What do you think, Amberpaw?"
  7. 7. You finally start to sleep with the heavy aspect of your apprentice ceremony. You hope...
  8. 8. It's an hour before you ceremony. You're squirming while your mother tries to clean you. "Stay still!" were the words that were heard all around the den. You...
  9. 9. And done! Remember, Part 2 is coming soon! Bye! (BTW this question doesn't affect your result.)
  10. 10. Did you like the quiz? Tell me if I should post more!

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