Warrior Cats Love Story

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I wonder what your result will be. I made this because I LOVE the warrior love story thingies and they inspired me to make this quiz, please leave feedback if its bad.

Created by: Silverdapple
  1. This is my first quiz, how would you greet me?
  2. You're a RiverClan kit named Silverkit. You open your eyes after a nap and see 2 kits play fighting. You go to them and say, can I play with you? Honeykit says no way, you'll ruin it. Rainkit says of course. You then realize a tingling feeling in your heart after you look at...
  3. You see another cat, named Sourkit. She looks at you bitterly with an expression that says I love ______!
  4. 'Three kits are ready to become apprentices. Rainkit, from now on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Rainpaw. Your mentor shall be Roseleaf,' You smile at your mothers name. 'Honeykit, from now on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Honeypaw. Your mentor shall be Swiftnose. Silverkit, from now on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Silverpaw. Your mentor shall be Goldenleaf. What are you thinking about?
  5. On a bright morning, you, Rainpaw and Honeypaw are being made warriors. You all leave the highrock proudly with new names: Silverdapple, Rainstorm and Honeyshine. Goldenleaf licks your cheek. 'I really like you, y'know. You were a great apprentice. ' What do you do?
  6. When you get back from patrol, you find Goldenleaf, Rainstorm and Honeyheart beside you. 'Silverdapple,' Begins Rainstorm. 'We all really like you,' Goldrnleaf continues 'So, do you love anyone of us? If so...' 'WHO?' They all say together.
  7. Do this if you answered tell me why I should mate you. Goldenleaf I was your mentorRainstorm I'm popularHoneyheart I was nice to you.
  8. Did you like it?
  9. Who do you want to mate?
  10. Bye!

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