Warrior Cats love roleplay! She cats only!

Hi! This is a warrior cats fanmade quiz, in which there is a love story. Comment, If you want more quizes like these, and I will surely make them! Btw, if you don’t like the quiz, just leave.

You are HoneyKit of FrozenClan. You meet four handsome toms. They wanna be with you. Who, what, and why will you choose? A interactive quiz, I hope you like it! It is my first one.

Created by: Hollyleaf
  1. You are born in FrostClan, and you are named Honeykit. You don’t have any siblings, and you’re mother is BearMane. As soon as you open you’re eyes, a red tom approches you, and says: “Hi! I see that you just opened you’re eyes! My name is Flaxkit.“ What do you say?
  2. Flaxkit helps you get up, and shows you around the nursery.“Now, I will introduce you to other kits in the nursery. C’mon!“ you follow Flaxkit to the other end of the nursery, and see four other kits. What do you say?
  3. Suddenly, BearMane picks you up, and says: “Come sweetheart. There is a Clan meeting, I want for you to attend it.“ you look at your mother, embarassed. You ask her: “Please, mom! Can I stay here?“ she agrees, and all the kits stay in the nursery. Flaxkit introducces you to them.“The silver kit is my brother, Wavekit. The brown and red kit is named Autumnkit. The brown speckled one is named Speckledkit, and the smoky black kit is named Whirlkit.“ who do you go to talk to?
  4. The days pass as you play with other kit. You are resting, when suddenly, BearMane tells you to get up. There is a Clan meeting! You walk out, and sit under the rock. GlassStar, the leader of FrostClan, says: “I know, that our kits are 1 moon or 2 moons too young to become apprentices, but we really need warriors now.“ you are super excited! Who do you sit with?
  5. No matter what you chose, your mother gets you closer and starts cleaning your fur. After all of the kits ceremonies, the leader calls you out. “Honeykit! You haven’t reached the age of 6 moons yet, but, are you ready to become an apprentice?“ you nod, and GlassStar continues: “From now until you finish you’re warrior training, you will be known as HoneyPaw!“ the Clan cheers your new name. Your mentor is WhiteHeart, a white fluffy she. Who do you talk to after you ceremony?
  6. After your training, you are super tired. You go to ghe apprentices den, and you see that all of the apprentices are there. FlaxPaw says: “Hey, HoneyPaw! Do you wanna sleep in the nest next to me?“ What do you do?
  7. When you finish your training, you are given the name HoneyBranch. Suddenly, when you are just resting, WhirlFeather comes up to you and says: “Hey, HoneyBranch... Follow me, I- acually, we have a confession to make...“ you follow WhirlFeather, and you see FlaxPelt, AutumnMane, SpeckledBreeze and WaveTail standing there. WaveTail says: “HoneyBranch, we all love you. Which one of us you will chose?“ you choose....
  8. Did you like the quiz? It was my first one:3
  9. Additional quiestions! You are on a patrol with FlaxPelt, the freshly made warrior. You just got your warrior name, too. Your name is HoneyBranch. Suddenly, a fox jumps at you. FlaxPelt gets it away, and looks at you. You can see love shining in his eyes. What do you say?
  10. Additianal quiestion! Do you have any quiz suggestions? If yes, then write them in the comments!

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