The Brightest Star: Part 1

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Hello! This is part one of The Brightest Star: which is a Warrior Cats Love Story. There are two cats for now: Cloudkit and Bluekit. One shy and kind and the other grumpy and outgoing. Who will you choose?

In this chapter, you will meet the two toms. In the next chapter, we will have a new tom and you start apprentice training . Keep a lookout! And the pic is of you, Rubykit. -- Petalfoot(Cherry)

Created by: Petalfoot
  1. As you open your eyes, you see a cream blur forming in front of you. It was Sand, your brother. Just then, you hear strange voices. “Moonspot, look!” A pale red she-cat leant over you. “Kits!”
  2. “Amberflight, you’re just a new warrior…” Moonspot, a black tom, stops when he sees you. “We need to take them to Oakstar.” Once you get to the camp, a brown tabby tom leaped down. This was Oakstar. He erupted into a huge fit of coughing. His deputy, Emberclaw, a bright orange she-cat, soothed him, and sent Oakstar to the medicine den. “Please take care of my mate.” Emberclaw called out. Then she turned to you both and leant down. A cream tom quickly rushed over from the warriors den. “Thrushfoot? What are you doing?” Asked Emberclaw.
  3. You shiver, and Amberflight wraps her tail around you. “These are my kits.” Suddenly, you notice the similarities. Sand had his sandy brown fur, and you had Oakstar’s ice blue eyes. “What are their names?” Said Emberclaw. “The dark ginger one(you) is Rubykit, and the sandy brown one is Sandkit.” Murmured Oakstar. Then you and Sandkit were taken to a calico she-cat named Tansystream to get food and sleep.
  4. As you wake up 2 moons later, a small white-furred kit leant over you. “She’s awake!” Another blue-gray kit bowls into the white one. “Yeah, yeah, big deal.” The blue kit rolls his amber eyes. “Bluekit, be nice. And I know she’s awake, Cloudkit.” Purrs the kits’ mother, Nightfrost.
  5. “Do you wanna explore camp with me?” Says Cloudkit, coming over. But then Bluekit asks you the same question. Who do you go with?
  6. After you explore camp, you notice that Emberclaw was coming over to you, “Listen, can I tell you something? But you can’t tell anyone.” You nod. “Oakstar…he just died. He wanted me to tell you that you were the brightest star in his life, and how he knows you’re a kind, loyal kit. Oakstar said for you to never let your loyalty waver, and to make the right choices….I’m sorry.” Emberclaw, no, EmberSTAR dipped her head and walked away to call a meeting.
  7. Just then, Cloudkit walked up to you. “Hey, um, Rubykit? I’m sorry about your dad…Do you wanna….walk with me?”
  8. If you answered no, Cloudkit looks hurt. He turns, walks away, and lays down by his mother, Nightfrost. You go back to sleep, thinking:
  9. (2 moons later) You had significantly grown. At 5 moons old, you pretty much resembled one of the apprentices who had just started training. Cloudkit became muscular and strong, just like his dad Silversplash, while Bluekit became short, but had long paws perfect for fighting. Your build became strong, with a long tail. It turned out you were really good at hunting, but were…well…not so good with fighting.
  10. Tansystream called you kits over. “Guess what…You’re all having your apprentice ceremonies tomorrow!” All you kits began jumping around excitedly, murmuring about who you wanted your mentors to be. Just then, you hear something that Sandkit told Tansystream…
  11. As energetic as he was, Sandkit had a thing for herbs. It was more than just a thing, it was a passion. So you weren’t surprised when he said, “I want to be Shadeleap’s apprentice….as a medicine cat.” Everyone gasps in the nursery, except for you and Tansystream.
  12. The next day, you wake up. Bluekit stands over your nest, his usual grumpy demeanor melted away. “Come on, let’s go!” He said in a cheerful, mentor-like voice. You grin and pad after him. Then Cloudkit approaches you with a huge, plump, juicy vole. Bluekit says, “Wanna share?” Holding a thrush. You also see Sandkit sitting alone. Who do you share with?
  13. (Sorry guys this is supposed to be question 9 but it glitched)If you answered one of the ones that isnt no, Cloudkit sneaks you out of the camp. He takes you to a spot that no other Clan cat had ever been before. It was beautiful, a huge waterfall, with three other smaller waterfalls surrounding it. There were blooming pink flowers, and the fresh scent of greenleaf. You ask Cloudkit how he found it. He tells you he was out exploring. You look up, and realize dawn is coming. You tell Cloudkit that you have to get back. Cloudkit leads you back to the nursery, and you go to sleep, curled up together. You think:
  14. (Now picking back up after question 12) Emberstar called a clan meeting. “Bluekit, Cloudkit, Sandkit, and Rubykit, step forward. Bluekit, you are now Bluepaw and your mentor will be Grasswind.” Bluepaw touches noses with a dark gray tom. “Cloudkit, you are now Cloudpaw. Your mentor will be Moonspot.” As he touches noses, you remember that Moonspot was one of the ones you brought you to camp. “Sandkit, you are now Sandpaw. After some observation, I think that you will be happier as a medicine cat apprentice. Your mentor will be Shadeleap.” He touches noses with a pale gray tom. “And Rubykit, your new name is Rubypaw. Your mentor will be Amberflight.”
  15. Cliffhanger! Who do you like best?

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