amazingclaws's Profile
Joined on Jan 21, 2019
Status Level: Novice
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amazingclaws's Quizzes
- How old are you?[published: Jan 22, 2019, 1 comment]
Do you really think I can guess your name on this quiz? If we can't, then at least you will know what age you……
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amazingclaws's Recent Quiz Comments
"I made this quiz I got my age right LOL"
1 -
"I got %32. I'm not even a criminal."
1 reply1 -
"I got none, but I don't even know what aesthetic means."
2 replies1 -
"I got an angel, but I guess I'm a natural kid because I get in trouble every once in a while."
1 -
"I'm from Washington and it says I have a mid-land accent. I actually was born in Florida so I guess it was right because it said it could…"
1 -
"I got a laughing emoji"
7 replies11 -
"Mine was that I am funny"
1 -
"??????? Anyways..."
1 -
"I got zootopia. I already watched it!"