What Disney Movie Should You Watch?

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There are a lot of amazing Disney movies out there, which one should you watch? Pixar movies excluded! Take this quiz to find out which Disney movie suits you the best.

If the result was accurate (or not!) be sure to rate to let me know. :) Thanks for taking my quiz. I hope you like the movie that you get, if not you can try again.

Created by: annafrozen12
When Will I Die Test
  1. Do you like musical movies?
  2. Do you like romantic movies?
  3. Do you prefer movies with human characters or animals?
  4. Do you prefer older movies or more modern movies?
  5. Do you prefer movies with a female or male main character?
  6. Do you prefer movies that are more happy/upbeat, or more darker/sad?
  7. Do you prefer hand drawn or computer animated movies?
  8. Do you prefer movies that were based on books or stories?
  9. Do you prefer movies that have interesting villain characters?
  10. Last question! What's your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What Disney Movie should I Watch?