The Love Story of Mosscloud! Part 6!

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Oh, hello! Welcome to the final quiz in the series about Mosscloud. Sadly, this will be my last warriors love story for now. I might make more. The one about Breezekit is just an adventure/fanfic type of thing.

So yeah. Expect leaders to fall, a prophecy fulfilled, and…death. I guess I shouldn’t spoil anymore. Have a nice time taking this quiz, and…I can’t think of anything else to say. So see you guys soon!

  1. *4 moons later* Ashkit and Twigkit are happily playing in the nursery. “Catch, Twigkit!” Ashkit yowls. Twigkit fluffs up his brown tabby pelt and leaps at the moss-ball, as you throw it into the air.
  2. Just then, you see Darkfeather. The new medicine cat. “Oh…hi.” He nervously says to the kits. Ashkit cocks her head and looks at you, confusedness in her blue eyes. But Twigkit takes this opportunity to land a quick blow on her. Soon, the silence turns to sad, scared cries.
  3. As Darkfeather carefully tends to Ashkit, you walk toward Twigkit. “Twigkit! Why did you do that?” You say in a fierce voice. But Twigkit stands strong. He smirks. “She was just being very dumb.” You cuff him, hard, on the ears. “That’s enough!” Says Falconstar, coming in. “I saw everything. Twigkit, go and clean out the moss in the elder’s den. Leopardblaze will bring the moss from outside camp, but you must give the dirty moss to him, and replace that with the new moss. After that, Twigkit, go to Darkfeather, and he will give you some mouse bile that you must put on the elder’s to clean their ticks. You will be doing that until you are an apprentice. Understand?” Falconstar yells at Twigkit angrily. Twigkit sighs and nods, padding toward the entrance of camp. You smile at Falconstar.
  4. Then, your gaze turns to Ashkit. She had cobweb all over her leg, and was currently being carried to the medicine den by Fernpool. Darkfeather was following them behind. You see Ashkit obediently following Darkfeather’s every instructions to try and move her leg and to tell Darkfeather where it hurts.
  5. After a few minutes, Darkfeather turns to you. “There is only one possible solution for this….amputation. Twigkit injured her leg very badly.” You gasp in shock, run to your mate, and tell him the news. He says, “Poor Ashkit.”
  6. You turn to Ashkit and wince as Darkfeather pulls her leg off. Ashkit screams loudly. There was a silence over the PetalClan camp. You quickly run to get fresh-kill for Ashkit.
  7. Then, you smell some scents. Really fresh. They were heading toward PetalClan. You murmur, “HollowClan. It’s time.” You run to alert PetalClan. It was time for the prophecy to rise.
  8. When you get back to camp, a loud yowl sounds, “HollowClan, attack!” Cats stream out of the reeds and bushes surrounding the PetalClan camp. You look around as as the leader of HollowClan comes to you. Her name was Stormstar. You leaped onto her. The battle had begun.
  9. It was deadly. Every attack was fierce, your blows desperately trying to match her. Stormstar was a terrible opponent, cunning, fierce, and deadly. Falconstar quickly leaped in to help,
  10. At last, you take the opportunity to quickly swipe Stormstar’s neck. She falls to the ground and shivers. Then she lays still. You smile. PetalClan had won the battle. Then you look around. You recognize the HollowClan deputy, Fernshade, also dead. Who was to lead HollowClan now?
  11. Then, a warrior from your clan steps up. You regonzize this warrior….Leopardblaze! He announces, “After talking it over, there is something I must reveal to you. My mate, Tansystream,” He gestures to a calico she-cat beside him. “Is expecting my kits. Since she is in HollowClan, I will join them…and become their leader.” Gasps and quiet talking started to happen. You then think about your choices of mates. Fogfall was dead, Robin was a rogue, Leopardblaze is in HollowClan….That meant there was only one cat left.
  12. So you turn to Falconstar. “Will you be my mate?” You ask him. The clearing grows silent. Falconstar gasps. “Mosscloud…..Of course I will. I love you.”
  13. But then, you feel something begin to happen. You were beginning to weaken. You stumble to the ground. “Help….somebody…” It was then you realize that you had a big gash on your leg.
  14. Then Falconstar carries you to the medicine den. “DARKFEATHER!” Darkfeather quickly comes with his herbs, quickly tending to your wound. But there was too much blood. “I love you….Stay strong…For me….” You tell Falconstar, Ashkit, and Twigkit. Your kits come to you, wrapping you in a big hug. Falconstar joins the hug. And then you feel yourself falling…And falling….Then plunging into darkness.
  15. You wake up in a starry forest. It was all blue and white, and….magical. A familiar brown tabby she-cat comes up to you. “Vinestar!” You happily yell, throwing yourself in her arms. She lets out a loud purr. “What am I doing…in….in…StarClan?” You ask curiously. Vinestar sadly shakes her head. “Oh, Mosscloud, I’m terribly sorry to tell you this, but…well….you died. From your battle wounds.” You dip your head and say, “It’s alright. I had a good life.” Vinestar smiles at your enthusiasm. “Thanks to you, the prophecy is now fulfilled.”
  16. Then Vinestar takes you to meet the others. As time passes by, you watch Falconstar live out his 9 lives, and when they are done, Falconstar joins you in StarClan, leaving Sparkstripe to become Sparkstar. Your kits grew up into strong, brave warriors: Ashcloud(After you) and Twigclaw. Ashcloud soon had her own kits with a tom named Moonheart(black tom): Cloudkit(black tom) and Maplekit(brown she-cat). You feel a sense of contentment wash over you. All was well.
  17. Then Falconstar comes over to you. “Come with me.” He murmurs. After walking a bit, he brings you to a meadow. It was a beautiful sight: Short, fresh green grass the color of Ashcloud’s eyes, with a tint of yellowish orange from the sun's rays. Tiny white, pink, blue, and purple flowers dotted the meadow, and from your left and right, you could see spruce trees in the forest marking the border of StarClan and the Dark Forest. Slowly Falconstar entwines his tail with yours. "Mosscloud?" he asks. "Yes, Falconstar?" you whisper, not wanting to break the beautiful silence. You lay your head on his shoulder, and Falconstar purrs before answering. "I love you."

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