The Love Story of Mosscloud! Part 4!

Quiz Image this quiz, many things happen! Leaders fall, a prophecy rises, and other stuff happens too! In the next quiz, we will get to see more of Fogfall! Next paragraph is just nonsense. And the cover is a really pretty picture of Leafpool!


  1. Ok, so…do you remember last time?
  2. As you pad back to camp, you see a terrible sight. A famillar brown tabby body lying on the floor. You know very well who it is….
  3. You sob and collapse into a pool of tears. Vinestar was like a mother figure to you, helping you out on your first steps, bringing you fresh-kill and stories when your mother just wanted to hang out…but that was all gone now. She was dead.
  4. Whiteberry, the sweet white medicine cat, and her apprentice Darkpaw comes over. “Yeah, she’s dead.” Darkpaw comfirms. Tens cats were buzzing with questions. “How did she die?” “Did she go to StarClan?” But you yowled the most important question. “When will be the new leader?” The cats stopped talking and stared at Whiteberry.
  5. Whiteberry shushed the crowd. Kits hurtled out of the nursery, and now it’s was like you had an extra pelt, because all the kits were rushing to comfort you. And to hear the new leader, but mostly to comfort you.
  6. “So,” Began Whiteberry, “I had a dream. And a prophecy. “Beware the fog of flaming hearts, beware the shadowy streams. Beware the shine of traitor’s mask, and seek the flower with troubled dreams. Fire and cloud seek hope, for ashes will rise anew. Follow the snow to path of stars, and all will rise in moons.” She ended the prophecy. You took in a sharp breath.
  7. The next day, Whiteberry went to the Moonpool. She’s returned back the next day, and said the traditional call for RiverClan meetings. The cats slowly trickled into the clearing. “So…the new leader of RiverClan is….FALCONSNOW!!!!!” She yowled. The cats all cheered. You cheered for…
  8. (The next day, after Falconsnow became Falconstar) FalconSTAR leapt up to Highstump. “Let all cats gather below Highstump for a clan meeting!” He yelled. The cats gathered, again. “Now, I must choose my deputy. I say these words before StarClan, so that’s they might approve of my choice. The new deputy of RiverClan is…Sparkstripe!” Wow..your brother was the new deputy!! You lead the chanting. “Sparkstripe! Sparkstripe!” RiverClan chanted his name under the night sky.
  9. “Also, I have something else to announce. Robinclaw, step forward.” You look in surprise as he steps forward. “Robinclaw, you have asked to leave clan life because you feel it does not suit you. Since I agree to that, your new name is Robin, and you are now a loner. You can visit PetalClan, but not often. Now go. And enjoy your new life.” As Robinclaw, now Robin leaves, he mutters, “One day I will come back…”
  10. The next day, the 3 toms in PetalClan come to you. “So Mosscloud,” Robin says, “We all love you. So, who do you choose to be your mate?” You tell them, “Describe yourself in a nutshell, please.”
  11. Robin starts. “I’m tough and brave.” Leopardblaze mews, “I’m silly and….uh..that’s it.” He sighs. Then Falconstar goes. “I’m kind and brave.” You think of what Fogfall would say. You think that he is hot and controlling. “So who do you choose?” Leopardblaze says.
  12. Cliffhanger!

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