Warriors love story (she cats)

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This is a story of a she cat called Snowkit(you) and who she chooses as a mate. It is interactive with lots of questions. You will see which qualities you want most in your mate.

Anyway I hope you enjoy and get the right mate. We all like a happily ever after. ;). Please do feel free to share who you got in the quiz down below.

Created by: Sophie
  1. Your name is Snowkit. You are in the nursery huddled against your mother, Moonbreeze. Your two older brothers, Kitekit and Frostkit, are play fighting. Then your den mates, Mosskit, Jaykit and Flamekit come to you and ask you to play. You…
  2. You are at your apprentice ceremony. Who do you want as your mentor?
  3. Your out on your first hunting patrol with your denmates, Jaypaw, Mosspaw and Pouncepaw. Your littermates are also there. You catch a mouse on your first try. So do Pouncepaw and your brothers. Mosspaw just misses and looks away shyly. Jaypaw has perfect technique but steps on a twig. What do you do?
  4. Your patrol finds a loner on your territory. She is your age and says she wants to join your Clan. You get really close with her and then one day she asks you if you like her. You say…
  5. You and your denmates get your warrior names. Your name is Snowstorm. Now you have to sit vigil. Who do sit next to?
  6. Four moons later their are new apprentices. Otterstar says you can mentor Doepaw. Who do you want to mentor Doepaws sister, Whitepaw?
  7. You wake up one morning and Plumbpelt, Mosswhisker, Jaywing, Pouncefur and Tigerfur are all outside waiting for you. Pouncefur says they all like you and want to be your mate. Who do you pick?
  8. You end up happy with a mate or not. Kits. How many?
  9. You have watched your kit(s) grow. Now it’s time for them to choose a mate. Who sounds most suitable?
  10. Did you enjoy?

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