The Love Story of Mosscloud! Part 2!

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Hello and welcome back! Mosskit is gone, in with Mosspaw! She has finished her first day as an apprentice and loves her duties. She is also an amazing hunter and her mentor, Dawnfur, is very proud of her.

What will Mosspaw do now? She, as stated above, thoroughly enjoys her apprentice jobs and loves showing the cats of DewClan, especially the toms, her amazing hunting skills! Will she pick ambitious Robinpaw? Or soft-hearted Puddlewind? And what about cute and shy Falconpaw? Find out here!

  1. It was a flood! Cats were running about everywhere’s, to and fro. But eventually the flood stopped. A sandy brown tabby came up to you. He was Falconpaw. “Woah, that flood did a lot of damage. Are you ok?”
  2. Three moons have passed since the flood. It's morning and Dawnfur has requested that you join her on the dawn patrol. Falconpaw was also there with his mentor, Lilystem. Puddlepaw was there too with a pretty ginger she-cat named Gingerflower.
  3. You and Puddlepaw run side by side through the forest to the first boundary marker. "Alright! Mosspaw, how about you set this marker? Puddlepaw, go along to that one on the tree there!" calls Dawnfur.
  4. A few days later, you see Puddlepaw, now Puddlewind and Gingerflower sneak out. You feel curious, so you follow. They go to a bush that looks like a den that they made. You heard them talking… “I have to tell you this, Puddlewind. I’m expecting kits.” “What?!” You hear Puddlewind. “They-they’re yours,” Gingerflower stammered.“But what about Mosspaw? I love her.” “Give her up.” Puddlewind is in tears. “Yes, I will tell her Gingerflower. Thank you for telling me.” You gasp and go to battle training.
  5. "Mosspaw, how about you try that new move I taught you on Robinpaw?" Dawnfur suggests. You are in the training hollow with Falconpaw and Robinpaw. You nod and crouch down, ready for Robinpaw to attack. Falconpaw looks at you once, and when you see him staring, he quickly looks away.
  6. Robinpaw charges at you and you wait until he is close by, then dive underneath him and flip him over onto his back and place a paw on his chest. "I think I win, Robinpaw!' you purr. He purrs back and climbs to his paws, shaking out his pelt. "Excellent work, Mosspaw! Now Robinpaw, when you ran at Mosspaw, you weren't expecting her to dive under you, were you?" Dawnfur asks.
  7. "No, I definitely wasn't expecting her to dive underneath me," Robinpaw admits. "Ok, so what can you do to make sure that you aren't taken by surprise?" Dawnfur asks. "I could jump over her," says Robinpaw thoughtfully. Dawnfur nods. "Excellent! How about you try it again, then?"
  8. Robinpaw charges at you again, and you crouch, ready to dive under him when he leaps over you, out of range. You leap to your paws and dodge a strike from him, then dance away. He runs after you and rears up on his hind legs. You launch yourself forwards, hitting him straight in the belly. Robinpaw falls to the ground with a grunt.
  9. Dawnfur leaps down from the tree stump she was watching from and pads over to Robinpaw. "He's fine, just winded." she announces. Robinpaw climbs unsteadily to his feet, huffing. "That was great, Mosspaw!" he pants. "Can you show me how you did that?" Asked Robinpaw. “Nice job Mosspaw!” Said Falconpaw with a happy and admiring look in his eye. He blushes a pale pink, but Robinpaw shoots him a big glare and his tail, formerly up in the air, droops.
  10. Another moon passes. You have just passed your assessment and are about to be made a warrior! Vinestar’s voice echoes in the camp as she calls the Clan together. "Robinpaw, Mosspaw, and Falconpaw step forwards. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" he meows. "I do!" The apprentices yowl.
  11. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names.” Vinestar takes a dramatic pause. “Robinpaw, from now on you will be known as Robinclaw. StarClan honors your battle skills and courage, and we welcome you as a full warrior of DewClan.” She continues with the ceremony’s, making Falconpaw, Falconsnow. His virtues are loyalty and determination. Now, it was your turn. “Mosspaw, you will now be known as Mosscloud, StarClan honors your intelligence and enthusiasm, and we welcome you as a warrior of DewClan.” “Mosscloud! Robinclaw! Falconsnow!” As DewClan changed your new name, you held your head high. It was going to be a great day.
  12. And that’s it! There will be a forbidden love interest in the next one! So stay tuned!

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