The Love Story of Mosscloud! Part 1!

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Hello everyone! Take this quiz if your mate is Eagleheart or Eveningblaze in my love story about Rosedawn! Be prepared for battles, crushes, toms, and…a prophecy!

Your name is Mosskit, a bright yellow tabby she-cat, with emerald green eyes. Your brothers are Sparkkit, a brown tom with ginger swirls. And Ravenkit, a black tom. Your mother is Rosedawn, a silver tabby, and if you have 2 mothers, your other parent is Eveningblaze(dark blue she-cat). If you have a regular tom as your dad, your father is Eagleheart, a gold tom.

  1. "Mosspaw! Sparkpaw! Ravenpaw! Mosspaw! Sparkpaw! Ravenpaw!" Your chest swelled with pride as you heard your apprentice name cheered by DewClan, along with your siblings. Your mother had pride in her eyes, while your father maintained a happy expression, but you knew him well enough to know he would bounce up and down like a kit. You would, too. It was just, just so . . . exciting wasn't the right word . . . Amazing, perhaps? You were assigned Dawnfur as your mentor. She and your mother, Rosedawn, were good friends--you couldn't help but think there was some secret between them, and your imaginative mind loved to think of stories. You looked at Dawnfur. The tabby she-cat was swelling with happiness; you could tell. Your brothers also had good mentors: Sparkpaw had Leopardclaw, the deputy, and Ravenpaw had Softsun, she had recently become a warrior again from a queen.
  2. Your leader, Blossomstar, says that Robinpaw will show you to your nest. He is a simple brown tabby tom with yellow eyes and doesn't seem to pay much attention to you. "There," he says. "In that cave." You go in, thinking:
  3. It soon is sundown, and the other apprentices come back. A red-brown tom with gleaming gold eyes comes up to you. It's Puddlepaw, he had just become an apprentice 1/4 moons before you. "How's your first day, Mosspaw?" he asks. You:
  4. A large yellow tom with leopard-like black spots comes in the den next. You know his name is Leopardpaw. His ears perk up as he sees you, and he says "Look at the newest apprentice!" Your reaction:
  5. You see a flash of dark fur. Robinpaw has returned! He dropped a nice, fresh rabbit at your nest, and then went to sleep. Speaking of which, where is your nest?
  6. You are the first to wake up, filled with energy. You find that Robinpaw somehow had rolled over, closer to you in his sleep. You:
  7. Your mentor, Dawnfur, takes you out on a hunting patrol. You are taught to stalk, but most of the time your thoughts are on:
  8. When you get back, you successfully had caught a rabbit, very rare in your territory but plump. Leopardpaw congratulates you and offers to eat together. You:
  9. A few moons pass, and one day you find yourself watching the sunset. Puddlepaw silently comes over and sits down beside you. He pays some attention to you, and your pelts brushed more than once.
  10. But the next day, you woke up in the den. A bright blue thing was swirling all around the camp. Water! It was a flood!
  11. Then, all 3 tons rush to help you at the same time. Robin paw gets there first, and he helps you get to safety on the Rockpool. Many cats were there, but then, you see a terrifying sight…It was….

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