Tag: Survivalism
- Mar 20, '20
- by jmdvorkin
- Feb 21, '22
- by Lily The Horse Lover
- Aug 24, '23
- by CookieCat
- Mar 19, '20
- by jmdvorkin
- Mar 23, '21
- by rhouser
- Would You Survive? Basic Survival Techniques
- Aug 26, '11
- by Jack Attack 1995
This is a short simple quiz that'll test your knowledge of survival trivia. Err try your best... most answers are pretty common…
- Would You Survie in the Wild?
- Jun 17, '12
- by Emma LAWL
The quiz on, "if you'll survive in the wilderness." Kinda long, but please DO take it! Surviving in the wilderness is tough,…
- The Ultimate Survival Quiz
- Sep 18, '15
- by Kunal Dhawan
Your survival skills are put to the Ultimate Test. Die at your own risk! …
- Bushcraft -o-meter
- Nov 10, '13
- by Bushcrafttools.com
Many people think they have good knowledge of bushcraft, but how much do they really know? This test features 20 fairly easy to…
- What is your best quality for survival?
- Oct 13, '12
- by Matthew
This quiz is basically a fun quiz that simulates you, going on an adventure in the wilderness with no supplies but your bare…
- Live Or Die: Survival Quiz
- May 23, '21
- by RavenWing
The world is a fascinating place, filled with great beauty and great danger to match. Take a journey with us into the wild,…
- Survival: Rugged Wilderness
- Mar 20, '20
- by jmdvorkin
Welcome fellow GoToQuizzers! To the Survival quiz taking place in the rugged wilderness of the smoky mountains. This is a role…
- Out in the bush
- Jan 31, '12
- by feather
You are the oldest in a group of kids going camping in the woods, and the only adult has just left you alone. What role would…
- Would You Survive a Night Alone in the Woods?
- Aug 19, '13
- by amazon
You decide to go on a fun hiking trip with your buddies. Why not? What could go wrong? Well, it'll probably be fine but you…
- How Long Would You Survive In A Desert?
- Feb 9, '10
- by Snowwhisker
If you ever got lost in a desert, would you survive? Would you survive the harsh temperatures and cruel predators? Could you…
- What Kind Of Survivalist Are You?
- Nov 19, '20
- by Mike
This quiz, rather than evaluating your chances of surviving a given apocalypse, will assess HOW you will survive the apocalypse…
- Would you survive on a Desert Island?
- May 29, '08
- by John
Would you survive on a desert island? That is the question. Take this absolutely useless quiz to find out what type of…
- Survival Knowledge
- Oct 16, '10
- by adow
You may never be in a situation where your will to survive will be challenged. But, if you ever spend time in remote areas,…
- How Much do you Know About Wilderness Survival?
- Jan 13, '22
- by xXPrinceLokiXx
This is a quiz to test how much you know about Wilderness Survival. It's crucial that you know this stuff, because if you get…
- How Good of a Hunter-Gatherer Would You Be?
- Oct 26, '11
- by Primal Geek
For 190,000 years, humans existed as hunter-gatherers. It was only 10,000 years ago that we took up agriculture and began to…
- How Long Would You Survive In a Thick Jungle?
- Jul 24, '10
- by Puppydog
You are an explorer and you go to a very deep dark jungle to explore. You find yourself stranded there, sad and alone. Its…
Even More Survivalism Quizzes
- Survival Quiz 2: World of Ice
- Jan 9, '16
- by Random101
We're back again with another survival quiz, this time stuck in a freezing cold place! 😊 You will have to survive yet again,…
- How Much Do You Know About Survival
- Apr 2, '15
- by Pianissimo
There are many people who say that they know enough to survive, or that they could figure it out when the time came. But when…
- How long would you survive in the wild?
- Apr 9, '15
- by Betty Cushman
The wild is beautiful, as well as dangerous. Not many people have the talent of living in nature. It's protections is your…
- Could you survive in the wilderness?
- May 31, '12
- by Silvershadow
Some people can survive in the wild, but it is very hard to live for an extended period of time. You need to find food, water,…
- Are You An Outdoor Survivor?
- Jul 23, '15
- by Dylan Raihan
Welcome to the Outdoor Survival Quiz! In this quiz, you will be asked about steps that should be taken in an emergency…
- If you Were Stranded on an Island, Would you Survive?
- Sep 29, '11
- by Bubblebath
There are so many people out there that wonder if they got stranded on a deserted island if they'd survive. Everyone says…
- Worst Case Scenario Survival Quiz
- Jul 4, '10
- by Bill the Cowboy
Based of the game/book "The Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide" You will be give a 10 question test to see if will Survive your…
- Survival Quiz 1: Wilderness
- Nov 29, '15
- by Random101
You wake up in a jungle, alone and with no clue how you got there. You will have to survive if you think you will ever see…
- Would You Survive In the Wild?
- Jun 11, '11
- by amazon
You and your partner were walking in a forest, but you let him out of your sight and you lose him! You look for him, but can't…
- How Good a Survivalist are You?
- Aug 30, '09
- by Zachary Keane
In the wilderness, people seem to think they're invincible because they survived in their own home for years. Well, that's…
- How long would you survive on a desert island?
- Jan 19, '14
- by Floffy
The human race has evolved , through the ages , from cavemen surviving in the wild to us, now, living in huge cities with all…
- Would You Survive?
- Jun 27, '12
- by Amy Rose ♥
This quiz is about survival on a tropical island. Will you live, or will you DIE? Find out in this quiz! Please comment and…
- Would You Survive On An Uncharted Island?
- Feb 7, '20
- by Sauron
Would you survive if your plane crashed and you got stranded on an uncharted island? How much karate skills do you know... I…
- Would You Survive If You Were the Last Person On Earth?
- Mar 23, '08
- by Butt Doc
So you fancy your self as the next Will Smith, surviving onslaught of vampire people, before killing your self to save…
- Would you survive in the wild?
- Jan 11, '11
- by Richard Beale
Do you have the guts and the knowledge to survive away from home or in true wilderness? This quiz has 13 questions that will…
- Will You Survive?
- Oct 21, '12
- by Wonka
Can you survive in the wilderness while watching over a baby? Will you survive or will you never figure out why you are there?…
Still 9 More Survivalism Quizzes!
- Would you survive in the wild?
- Will you survive the zombie apocalypse?
- Wilderness Survival Quiz
- Would you survive in the wild?
- How Long Would You Survive In The Wild?
- Would you survive in the North? (Advanced)
- Would You Survive As The Last Person On Earth?
- Deadly Situations
- How Skilled Are You in Wilderness Survival?
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