How Long Would You Survive In The Wild?

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How long would you last! 1 month? 3 years? 2 days? Who knows!!! Maybe you should try this yourself... Go on, go into the woods and go for a week, 7 days straight, your friends can video tape you. No I'm just kidding, the quiz is easier and quicker! XD

Few can last in the woods, but the ones who can know their stuff, don't know what to do for a scratch? You should pick up a survival guide when you can, that might come in handy!

Created by: Hyena Blaster
  1. You find yourself in a forest, you don't know how you got there, all you know is that you need to survive. Correct?
  2. You see a stream, it's looks clear, what should you do?
  3. Uh oh! Your hungry! What food is the best?
  4. Ah, that's much better! Now that you've gotten a full belly, it's time to settle in for the night, where and how would you sleep?
  5. You've survived one night! You need to look where you are in this mysterious world, how would you look around?
  6. You see nothing, tough luck. It's getting chilly, how are you going to get warm?
  7. You've cut yourself! How are you going to heal it?
  8. Much better! Your doing great! Just hang in there!
  9. Step up! You need tools, what's first on the list?
  10. You've come across some strange berry, you've never seen it before, what do you do?
  11. Your getting progress, let's take a look around... * later * oh know! I bear! What do you do?

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