Jack Attack 1995's Profile

Jack Attack 1995
Joined on Jul 31, 2010
Status Level: Senior
Jack Attack 1995's Quizzes
- Doctor Who: Who are you?[published: Jun 12, 2013, 2 comments]
I just started watching Who 1 maybe 2 month(s) ago. I've quickly labeled it my new favorite show and……
- Willingham Correctional Academy for Children[published: May 23, 2012]
Well I made a part 2. Again it came out mildly well. Not as well as I'd hoped……
- Willingham Correctional Academy for Children[published: Apr 16, 2012, 3 comments]
All right so i decided to make a small quiz story. It really isn't much because I……
- Fate: Does it like you?[published: Dec 17, 2011, 4 comments]
Basically this is a random quiz. I'm not going to tell you this isn't one of the stupid ones because……
- You'll Never Forgive Yourself If You Don;t Read This[published: Sep 05, 2011, 7 comments]
Okay basically this ain't a quiz :) its a story i wrote for fun. And since……
- Would You Survive? Basic Survival Techniques[published: Aug 26, 2011, 9 comments]
This is a short simple quiz that'll test your knowledge of survival trivia. Err try……
- The Return of the Neverending Quiz[published: Jun 13, 2011, 7 comments]
Many have tried. Many have failed. Many have lied and many have wailed. Oh, how they said……
- Are You Addicted to GTQ?[published: May 29, 2011, 12 comments]
Addiction: the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically……
- Harry Potter Trivia- Book 2[published: Apr 23, 2011, 1 comment]
Okay so its another Potter quiz. Simple, easy, complete describe this quiz. Try your best and good……
- The Neverending Quiz[published: Apr 09, 2011, 18 comments]
Many have tried. Many have failed. Many have lied and many have wailed. Oh, how they said they had……
- Will the Easter Bunny Visit You?[published: Apr 08, 2011, 5 comments]
The easter bunny is a timeless classic. The same basic story of santa but with some twists.……
- What's your Glimpse like?[published: Feb 12, 2011]
Okay so this quiz isn't really based off the book "the Door Within" or anything. I just liked the……
- Are You A Good Quizmaker?[published: Feb 11, 2011, 8 comments]
Not many can make great quizzes. Its a very unique talent and is very rare when you look at the stats.……
- What Colour Are You Feeling Today?[published: Feb 06, 2011, 22 comments]
Okay so yes this is a colour quiz. And obviously since you clicked on my title you'd like to……
- WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CEREAL?![published: Jan 19, 2011, 11 comments]
Well well well it seems my eye catching and rather awkward title has caught……
- Harry Potter Trivia- Book 1[published: Jan 14, 2011, 2 comments]
There are many Potter fans. Of course there is HP is really cool. But do you know book 1. really? or……
- What if….? ....[published: Dec 18, 2010, 8 comments]
What if? The question every parent hates and every kid loves to ask. They're the kinds of questions that……
- Revolutionary War Quiz[published: Dec 04, 2010, 1 comment]
How American are you? Do you know your stuff about the founding of our country? Hm well lets see... Um……
- Do You Believe In Things Anymore?[published: Dec 04, 2010, 4 comments]
As you grow older you stop believing in things. It's a known fact but many people never really……
- Do You Have a Good Sense of Humor? PART ONE[published: Dec 04, 2010, 8 comments]
Many people do. But they don't really know it. So this quiz will help with that. Of……
- What Hogwarts House Are You Destined To Be In?[published: Nov 26, 2010, 13 comments]
THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER SORTING HAT QUIZ! This one is not based upon your……
- TAKE MY PINEAPPLE LOVERS QUIZ[published: Nov 22, 2010, 5 comments]
AWESOME YOUR HERE this is just a fun ad for a cool quiz of mine. called ARE YOU A TRUE……
- What Is Your Pineapple Name?[published: Oct 30, 2010, 5 comments]
- which of my brothers are you most like?[published: Aug 28, 2010, 6 comments]
- Are You A True Pineapple Lover[published: Aug 05, 2010, 8 comments]
sup. are you actaully a pineapple lover? are you? do you want to find out? if not WHY ARE YOU……
Jack Attack 1995's Recent Posts
"Infp But I flip into estj mode more often than I'd like to admit"
"This is really just a stream of run on sentences which don't even begin to explain the full family/life situation or how I'm feeling... -_- ..."
"I'm just going to rant and wallow in some self pity because I'm not sure where else I can do that. And this is sort of morbid and day ruinin..."
"Ha that dog dipping out though"
"Too relatable"
"Party for one please "
"Ah see you Ana. Sleep well"
"I feel like there should be a party now "
"hohoh quite so, quite so Cause she said what's up turtle butts And i said nothin much in the turtle butts So, u"
"Speaking of older users xD Same, really. April's a dull month"
"YOOOOO Nothin much in the turtle butts"
"Good to hear. Do many people come on anymore?"
"Hah hi. So em what's up with you guys? How's gtq? How's the world?"
Jack Attack 1995's Recent Quiz Comments
"Says I'm a hippy xD great quiz"
1 -
"So does selecting a certain type of music up the gay points? xD"
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"Once every hour of the day, I am a gay man..."
1 -
Does the 24 percent mean I'm gay 24 percent of the time..."
1 -
"Woo 76 percent lesbian ;D"
1 -
"29 percento. Wasn't sure what to put with the dog one- i'd prolly have said good boy then changed xP"
1 -
1 -
"Isnt hogwarts located in scotland though? :p"
1 -
"I've been trying to get it to move for the past 4 days ._.Irritating.
But , awesome quiz 10 stars"
1 -
"woo! Telekinesis "