What Hogwarts House Are You Destined To Be In?

THIS IS NOT JUST ANOTHER SORTING HAT QUIZ! This one is not based upon your favorite colours or animals. This one determines what house you are DESTINED to be in. By your answers to these few simple questions, the quiz will allow you to know who fate knows you will be. Will you be a part of the Gallant GRYFFINDORS. The Honorable HUFFLEPUFFS. Maybe the Righteous RAVENCLAWS. Or the Sly SLYTHERINS. Which one will you be joining on Sept.1st?
Note: Whether you like your answer or not, you have to realize that although this quiz will allow you to see things about yourself that you have never dreamed of… it is just a quiz. Even the sorting hat has made mistakes and it’s the Sorting Hat! Plus just because your smart doesn’t mean you are in Ravenclaw. (Ex. Hermione J. Granger) Although your loyal doesn’t mean your in Hufflepuff. (Ex. Ronald B. Weasley) Even if you have the trait to risk your life for your love does not mean your in Gryffindor! (Ex. Severus Snape) AND even though you may share part of the soul of the most evil wizard in the wizarding world does not mean you will be in Slytherin. (Ex. Harry J. Potter) P.S in the real wizarding world its only your choice that matters… So Where do you want to be?