How Much Do You Know About Survival

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There are many people who say that they know enough to survive, or that they could figure it out when the time came. But when it comes down to it- knowledge is one of the most helpful things of all. This quiz tests how much you know.

Do you have what it takes to survive? Are you well-informed about survival? In this quiz, you'll be tested to see how much you really know. Well, in just a minute you'll find out. Good luck!

Created by: Pianissimo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are washed up on a beach after your plane crashes. It is around noon, and you're still shaking from the adrenaline rush. What do you do?
  2. You're in the desert. Night is falling quickly, and you need to find a place to sleep. Where should you sleep?
  3. You are in an abandoned hospital in the middle of nowhere, right in the dead of winter. You are rooting through the medicine and come across potassium permanganate. What can you use this for?
  4. You set four snares in the woods. When you come back, you find that each has caught an animal. However, you can only take back one. Which do you choose?
  5. Which weapon is best if you were stranded for several months in the forest?
  6. Your hiking trip just turned very bad. A blizzard has set in, and you can barely see three feet in front of you. You can barely walk- the snow is so deep. What do you do?
  7. Who are two ex American and British Special Forces soldiers that have had their own reality TV shows?
  8. You are lost in the woods and are very dehydrated. You come to a creek. What is the safest way to drink the water?
  9. You are hiking down a mountain in Alaska. Suddenly you are caught in an avalanche. What is the best way to escape it?
  10. Which is the best survival food out of these four?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Survival