Random101's Profile

Joined on Nov 25, 2015
Status Level: Junior
Random101's Quizzes
- How Good is Your Warriors OC?[published: Mar 04, 2016, 163 comments]
There are many people in the warriors Fandom who have made their own OCs. I myself have made quite……
- Did You Know: Warriors[published: Jan 17, 2016]
There are quite a lot of warriors fans, and many of them know many things: For example, we all know what……
- Wolf Roleplay: Part of the Pack[published: Jan 16, 2016, 2 comments]
You are the alpha in this pack, and you must use that rank wisely. The main wolves joining you……
- Harry Potter Knowledge Test![published: Jan 14, 2016, 3 comments]
There are many Harry Potter fans, many who read all 7 books, read the 3 sidebooks, watched all the……
- Can I trick you? Quiz 2[published: Jan 09, 2016]
We are back again for a second round of the amazing and always entertaining game... Can I Trick You?……
- Survival Quiz 2: World of Ice[published: Jan 09, 2016, 2 comments]
We're back again with another survival quiz, this time stuck in a freezing cold place! 😊 You will……
- Would you Rather? Quiz 2[published: Jan 08, 2016, 2 comments]
This is my second Would You Rather quiz, and this time the answers are based on what my answers would……
- How unique are you?[published: Jan 03, 2016, 3 comments]
There are many people, all who are at least slightly unique. But few people know how unique they really are!……
- Are you a medicine cat?[published: Jan 02, 2016]
There are many warriors, many apprentices who yearn to be on the path with power, battle, and glory.……
- Airclan Roleplay[published: Jan 01, 2016, 2 comments]
Today you will be taking a step into Airclan's life! This takes place shortly after my quiz Darkclan's story!……
- Can I trick you?[published: Dec 31, 2015, 2 comments]
There are many people who take this quiz who will be fooled, many more who will report this quiz for how much……
- Would you be a Leader or Warrior?[published: Dec 31, 2015, 2 comments]
There are many great leaders, and many more great warriors. Few of these thousands of skilled……
- Darkclan's Story[published: Dec 29, 2015, 2 comments]
Venture into my World of Warriors (WoW) and read the story of a long gone clan: Darkclan! If you are a Warriors……
- Waterclan Roleplay[published: Dec 29, 2015, 3 comments]
Today you will be role playing as a Waterclan apprentice! Joining you are the rude deputy Dampclaw, and the……
- Earthclan Roleplay[published: Dec 28, 2015, 1 comment]
Here is an adventure where you are in a clan of cats that live underground! This clan uses the tunnels to……
- How well do you know me?[published: Dec 27, 2015]
If you think you know me, (and you probably don't) you can take this amazing test all about my amazing……
- Are you a true Noodler?[published: Dec 24, 2015]
There are many people who watch Thinknoodles, but out of those many people, there are few true fans! We……
- What is your Warriors Story?[published: Dec 22, 2015, 6 comments]
Many people are warriors cats fans, and as a result, I have made this quiz for the people who……
- Can you beat me at rock, paper, scissors?[published: Dec 21, 2015, 2 comments]
Can you beat me at rock paper scissors? Do you dare to even enter this boring quiz……
- Would you be a good Warrior Cat?[published: Dec 19, 2015, 4 comments]
For those of you who have thought about if they would be a great warrior, but was never……
- Would You Rather?[published: Dec 17, 2015, 5 comments]
This enjoyable game of Would You Rather will tell you if you are an indoor person, or an outdoor person. Play……
- Random Things Quiz[published: Dec 13, 2015]
Read the title. This will be the randomest quiz you have and will ever take, and it is entirely made out of……
- Warriors Cats roleplay:Gathering Fight[published: Dec 13, 2015, 4 comments]
In my world of Warriors cats, there are 4 clans. Fireclan, Airclan, Waterclan, and……
- Fire clan Roleplay[published: Dec 01, 2015, 3 comments]
You are a Fireclan cat, one of the many proud cats who call the forest home. You are in the world of cats, of……
- Survival Quiz 1: Wilderness[published: Nov 29, 2015, 2 comments]
You wake up in a jungle, alone and with no clue how you got there. You will have to survive if you……
- Are you a Wisconsinite?[published: Nov 28, 2015, 1 comment]
Few people understand the mysteries of cheese, the awesomeness of the Packers, ignoring snow, more……
- Do you honestly believe in certain things?[published: Nov 28, 2015, 4 comments]
This quiz is made so that people will be able to see how much they will believe. For……
- How much do you know about Warriors?[published: Nov 27, 2015, 3 comments]
There are many people who have heard of warriors or read it, but there aren't as many true……
- My WC Clan quiz[published: Nov 27, 2015, 2 comments]
I made my own warriors world with new clans, new cats, and new terrain! Have fun exploring my warriors world……
- Which of my Warriors cats are you?[published: Nov 26, 2015, 2 comments]
I made up a lot of warrior characters. These are just my favorites out of all of them. Tell……
- What warriors clan are you in?[published: Nov 26, 2015, 2 comments]
This quiz is about Warriors, and which clan you are in. I tried to keep it from being obvious……
- Popularmmos Quiz[published: Nov 25, 2015, 1 comment]
I am a big fan of Popularmmos. I watch both his and Jen's channels, and I really enjoy their videos. They have……
Random101's Recent Posts
"Could I join?"
"Name: Leafnose Clan: ForestClan Description: A brown she-cat, black legs and patches Personality: Doesn't like to talk "
"It really annoys me how the cats can die a second time, and how they fade into nothingness."
"Is it too late?)"
"Who's the medicine cat?)"
"Silentfang started to bring her to the medicine cat den."
"She ran over to Fireblossom, and gasped. "What happened?""
"You know you can't name them shadow, right?)"
"Silentfang went over to Berrystar. "Midnightflower is right. You shouldn't waste a life because you wouldn't eat.""
"I love the profile pic, ruby!"
"Name: Silentfang Clan: ShadowClan Rank: Warrior Description: A pale gray, white patches, green eyes, very thin and fast"
"You don't need popular people to like you, you have other people who you can talk to! (Like me)"
"Sure you did. Then I became an infurus who was then combined with the power of the resurrection ball, and with that combination, I came back..."
"And I also survived if you look at the spell I used."
Random101's Recent Quiz Comments
"I think I'm kind of in between. I love reading, but I have loads of friends. Nice friends, no mean ones."
1 -
"In the first question, you wrote 7 twice. Other than that, nice quiz."
1 -
"Ahem, I'm female... I got 100% male, I wonder if I changed the first question and affected the answer..."
1 -
"And all those things I didn't say, wrecking balls inside my brain, I will scream on the high tonight, can you hear my voice, this is my…"
1 -
1 -
"Nevermind, it's probably on how strange you are."
1 -
"Okay, I tried again, this time being very rude, and I got a lower score. So I'm going to assume that this is based on personality?"
1 -
"79%, are you going to explain?"
1 -
"Some of this stuff really has nothing to do with the actual question."
1 -
"I got happy, and that description is spot on. My friends are the happiest, most energetic people I know."