Are you a Wisconsinite?

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Few people understand the mysteries of cheese, the awesomeness of the Packers, ignoring snow, more cheese, and did I mention cheese? Are you one of those people?

Try to find out if you are a true Wisconsin fan, or if you just know enough to like cheese. Let's see if you have even seen a cheese hat! (Yes, for those of you who doubt it, they are real.)

Created by: Random101

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  1. Do you like cheese?
  2. Do you like the Packers?
  3. Do you wear cheese hats?
  4. Ok, what can you find on a farm in Wisconsin?
  5. What is the state motto?
  6. What is Wisconsin's state tree?
  7. Do you love cheese curds?
  8. What is the state bird?
  9. How about the state fossil?
  10. What is the best food?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Wisconsinite?