How much of a Wisconsinite are you?

This "Are you a true Wisconsinite" quiz asks you some questions about Wisconsin's agriculture and just normal Wisconsin things, like accents and stuff. I hope you enjoy this quiz because I took time out of my busy schedule to make it!!!

Are YOU a true Wisconsinite, or think you are?? Well take a couple minutes out of your life and find out if you truly are!!!!!! Hope ya really like it!!!!!!

Created by: Hallie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you call carbinated drinks soda?
  2. Do you often say "ya der hey"?
  3. Do you call it a bubbler or a water fountain, for which you drink out of?
  4. Do you like Cheese?
  5. Do you like beer?
  6. Do you like the Green Bay Packers??
  7. Do you like Brats?? (as in the food, not an annoying person)
  8. Have you ever visited Wisconsin?
  9. Do you like the shape of wisconsin??
  10. Do you eat your hamburgers on a hard roll?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Wisconsinite am I?