Tag: Actors
- Nov 26, '19
- by Filzah Holman
- Sep 25, '21
- by MCU quizmaker
- Sep 15, '19
- by Baba
- Oct 26, '20
- by princessbubblegum
- May 17, '22
- by Zuzzerbysiz
- How well do you know movies?
- Mar 29, '13
- by Avengerscrazygal
Movies have been around for decades, but there are very few who are "experts" on them. People who know a variety of quotes,…
- How well do you know Robert Newton?
- Apr 28, '08
- by mooncove
Actor Robert Newton (1905-1956) is probably best known today for his influence on pop-culture piracy--his portrayal of Long…
- Which Hollywood Hunk are you?
- Jan 2, '09
- by Aimee
Now, we all know celebrities are just like us. We get told it on those pages which describe their own personal favourite…
- Which Cameron Boyce Character are you?
- Jan 12, '21
- by CarlosDeVil
It was just recently when I heard that Cameron Boyce had died. I was shocked. When I heard he had died in 2019, I was like,…
- Which actor said that?
- May 17, '14
- by Dark22978
There are tons of actors out in the world, and some have highly inspiring quotes. Some of these quotes make people laugh, some…
- Famous Actors Quiz
- Sep 6, '07
- by Adam
How many people do you know that can safely say they're totally knowledgeable in movie trivia, not just about the movies…
- Which Actor Are You?
- Jan 8, '11
- by JulzBaby
Many people dream of being an actor or actress. some people just are not meant to be one. some do, but, don't know it. there…
- How Brad Pitt Are You?
- Jan 11, '07
- by American Starfish
Who doesn't want to be Brad Pitt? Yet, only one person in the world had succeeded to. But maybe you have some of the star…
- Which Hottie Should Be Your Costar? (girls)
- Apr 4, '08
- by aszand_58
So are you ready to find out which "hottie" you would play with in a movie. And when i say play, i mean costar :P Anyways,…
- How Well Do You Know Crispin Glover?
- Jan 4, '21
- by Cali Crawford
Hello! Want to test your skills and memory on Crispin Glover? Want to prove to yourself and others your Glover obsession is…
- How Well Do You Know Leonardo DiCaprio?
- Aug 22, '09
- by Chantal
Leonardo DiCaprio has captivated audiences since he was in his teens. From playing a mentally challenged boy, to a con artist,…
- Name That Actor.
- Oct 13, '13
- by Honeytoast
Take this quiz to find out how much you know about actors and actresses. Test your knowledge on who played in what movie to…
- How well do you know Chris Evans?
- Jul 7, '16
- by Saara_K
Chris Evans is a fantastic actor, well known for playing Captain America in the 'Avengers' series. Do you think you know all…
- How much do u know 'bout Heath Ledger
- Jan 25, '08
- by Lynn
Think you know all about that Australian actor Heath Ledger well take the quiz and find out. Ledger who has a couple of movie…
- Would Daniel Radcliffe like you?
- Nov 19, '11
- by Tina
He has many fans, from Harry Potter lovers to just his own friends. DO you think you have the potential to love him? Do you…
- How Gary Sinise are you?
- Sep 20, '06
- by Jason Rodriguez
Gary Sinise is a true master of modern cinema. Writer, producer, director...lover. Some say he could end world hunger by his…
Even More Actors Quizzes
- How Well Do You Know Your Actors?
- Apr 15, '08
- by Kayla Harrison
If you are like most people and watch to much to much TV. You should take this quiz and test you knowledge! It is a fun quiz.…
- What Movie Star Am Most Like?
- Aug 5, '08
- by Slade
There are many famous people but have you ever wonder witch one your most like? Yeah go on take that mouse over here wait why…
- How well do you know Kristen Stewart?
- Sep 5, '13
- by kim1499
Do you know a lot about Kristen Stewart? Many people know her as Bella from Twilight, but there is so much more to her than…
- Which actor do you match personalities with?
- Sep 11, '14
- by Alice Forbes
Which type of person could you be? Cruel, or odd, you're sure to be good at what you are. Well done/congratulations for that…
- Which Actor From The 90's-2000's Do You Have A Crush On
- Oct 25, '13
- by 3866nowlin
Some of the best movies came out in the 90's and 2000's. So did some of the best actors. Some are still going strong and some…
- Shia LaBeouf Trivia
- May 1, '07
- by Angela
Shia LaBeouf got his television start on the Disney show, Even Stevens. Since then, he has played in many movies and has begun…
- Unforgettable Female Movie Characters
- Jun 18, '09
- by Kim Eun-Ho(Sky)
There are so amazing movies in the world, but few are masterpieces. I can't help being surprised at some wonderful movies and…
- Are You Obsessed With James Dean Are You?
- Mar 26, '07
- by naley4eva23
Do you love James Dean? Do you love him too much? If you think about James Dean all the time like I do then you should take…
- What Actor Are You?
- Dec 17, '11
- by Brandon
Many people wonder what actor am I. In this quiz I have chosen four actors with different qualities. Choose the answers to your…
- How much do you know about Harold Lloyd?
- Jun 30, '10
- by sara63
Perhaps no image from the silent-film era is more famous than a young man hanging off a broken clock face. The man in that…
- Tom Selleck quiz
- Apr 8, '07
- by Bob
There are not a lot of people who can score 100 percent on a Tom Selleck quiz. Why not take this one and see how you rank as a…
- Who's Your Pirates Of the Caribbean Star?
- Jun 29, '07
- by Ashley
"Which Pirates of the Caribbean star are you most like?" There are twelve questions for you to answer so we can decide who you…
- What Actor Are You?
- Jan 11, '19
- by Shaun
Take this quiz and find out what famous actor you'd be, if you were one! This test is not based on any scientific study…
- Which Actress Do You Like?
- May 24, '07
- by Joe
Which actress out of seven do you find most attractive? The actresses in this quiz are taken from a wide range - from the…
- Which actor is your perfect match?
- Jan 30, '10
- by xxTHE DOCTORxx
This quiz was made using my favorite actors as results. None of them are american and the answers I used are from specific…
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