xxTHE DOCTORxx's Profile

Joined on Jan 1, 2010
Status Level: Novice
xxTHE DOCTORxx's Quizzes
- Which actor is your perfect match?[published: Jan 30, 2010]
This quiz was made using my favorite actors as results. None of them are american and the……
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"2578!!! That's awesome but I think I was born in the past but at least I'm captain of a spaceship! 8D"
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"BANG!!! I love that sound and it just happens to be a word that makes me giggle! lol 8D"
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"I got city girl it makes sense I couldn't bare to live in the country or a small town!!! 8D"
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"53% Suits me well I guess!!! 8D"
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"Great quiz and I'am a doctor who geek!!! xD"
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"Lovely quiz...I love Mr.rogers!!! 8D"
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"I like the quiz and I admit I'm a bit of a new series n00b but I'm a fan of the old stuff too...Christopher eccleston and David tennant are…"
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"I got jeremy.....Love the quiz btw!!! 8D"
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"Hmmm..Vampire...I figured!!! 8D"
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"My first was literature nerd then musician and Drama nerd....I guess that suits me fairly well!!! 8D"