Tom Selleck quiz

There are not a lot of people who can score 100 percent on a Tom Selleck quiz. Why not take this one and see how you rank as a Tom Selleck fan. I have been a Tom Selleck fan for over 20 years, and I've seen nearly everything he has done.

If you have seen most of his movies and read a little about him you should do well. Are YOU a Tom Selleck genius?Take the following quiz and see if you are a true Tom Selleck fan.

Created by: Bob

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When was Tom Selleck born?
  2. Whose boyfriend did he play on an episode of "Charlie's Angels"?
  3. What is Tom Selleck's middle name?
  4. How many seasons of "Magnum pi" are there?
  5. Where was Tom Selleck born?
  6. What was Magnum's favorite baseball team?
  7. Who is Tom Selleck married to?
  8. What is Tom Selleck's daughters name?
  9. Which movie was Tom Selleck not in?
  10. Tom Selleck went to college.

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