How Well Do You Know Crispin Glover?

Hello! Want to test your skills and memory on Crispin Glover? Want to prove to yourself and others your Glover obsession is still running high? Well you've come to the right place! I hope you enjoy this quiz.

There'll be fourteen questions for you to answer. These can range from fairly easy to fairly difficult. They'll be referring mostly to Crispin's movies.

Created by: Cali Crawford
  1. What was Glover's first acting role?
  2. In Back To The Future, Why was Glover upset with the ending?
  3. In the movie Willard 2003, how did Glover feel about R Lee's screaming insults at his character.
  4. In Charlie's Angels 2000 why was Glover's character (Thin Man) silent and had no lines?
  5. Why does Glover seem to be in “terrible” or low budget/quality films..?
  6. In Rubin and Ed Glover's character laughs at and insults the late Andy Warhol and claims he's a fraud. Why (as a Crispin Glover fan) is this ironic?
  7. Who is Glover's father?
  8. In River's Edge Glover plays a character that sports a mullet haircut. Did he really have a mullet or was it just a wig?
  9. What is rare to see in a Crispin Glover movie?
  10. What is Crispin Glover's two most known types of characters?
  11. What is Crispin Glover most known for?
  12. What is Glover's best known and most critically acclaimed film?
  13. In the infamous Crispin Glover interview 1987 on the David Letterman show; why did Glover behave so insanely?
  14. Last Question: Do you think you know Crispin Glover? Why or why not?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Crispin Glover?
