Name the Actor from that movie

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You have to guess the name of the actor that plays certain characters. I will say the character then you have to click on the right actor that plays him or her. Good Luck

Hope you enjoy the quiz and share it. I hope to make more quizzes in the future for everyone. This is my fifth quiz I think, so good luck and have a nice time.

Created by: Legolasismyfavirote
  1. Bilbo Baggins (young)
  2. Who plays Natasha Ramonaff from Marvel.
  3. Luke Skywallker
  4. Who plays Gandalf
  5. Iron Man (EDITH)
  6. Black Panther (MOVIE)So sad he died :(
  7. Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
  8. Who plays Thranduil
  9. two more happy?
  10. Last one srry. Who plays Loki?

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