Actors & Actresses
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- Actors and Actresses
Who's your favorite actor? We, the movie-going and television-watching public, love to follow the careers and lives of Hollywood stars. You may find some of your favs in our quiz list below.
Our Actor and Actress Quizzes
- Who Is Your Celebrity Twin in Harry Potter?[by: Filzah Holman, rated: 4.35rated: 4.35/5, published: Nov 26, 2019]
Hello, this is a quiz where you can find your celebrity soulmate from Harry Potter. The names include the Harry Potter actors as their real names and when…
- How Well Do You Know Crispin Glover?[by: Cali Crawford, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Jan 4, 2021]
Hello! Want to test your skills and memory on Crispin Glover? Want to prove to yourself and others your Glover obsession is still running high? Well you've…
- Which Female Korean Actress Should You Stan Next?[by: hazel, rated: 4.31rated: 4.31/5, published: Jun 21, 2021]
All the choices you are about to make in this quiz will then tell you the female Korean actress you should stan next! For example, icons like Jun Jihyun and…
- Do you support Dove and Thomas?[by:, rated: 4.29rated: 4.29/5, published: Jul 17, 2018]
Despite playing opposing enemies in the movie "Descendants 2", Dove Cameron and Thomas Doherty's actual relationship in real life is the exact opposite of that.
- Which famous star are you most compatible with?[by: Emily, rated: 3.45rated: 3.45/5, published: Oct 1, 2008]
There are many attractive young celebrities out there, but my favorite are Patrick Dempsey, Jim Sturgess, Heath Leger, and Johnny Depp. This quiz will show…
- How well do you know Chris Evans?[by: Saara_K, rated: 3.36rated: 3.36/5, published: Jul 7, 2016]
Chris Evans is a fantastic actor, well known for playing Captain America in the 'Avengers' series. Do you think you know all about him? Take this test to find…
- Unforgettable Female Movie Characters[by: Kim Eun-Ho(Sky), rated: 3.28rated: 3.28/5, published: Jun 18, 2009]
There are so amazing movies in the world, but few are masterpieces. I can't help being surprised at some wonderful movies and we'll find them out now!
- Which Johnny character do you love?[by: amazon, rated: 3.23rated: 3.23/5, published: Jun 22, 2007]
Johnny Depp is a very versatile actor. He has played everything from the slightly odd to the dangerously bizarre. He's usually hunky and always entertaining.
- How Well do You Know Bette[by: Julia, rated: 3.09rated: 3.09/5, published: Feb 20, 2007]
There are a lot of people out there who love Bette Midler (especially me) But do they know Bette Midler? This quiz will test their Bette Midler skills. Let's…
- The Easy to start off with MKA Quiz[by: Bec, rated: 3.04rated: 3.04/5, published: Feb 19, 2007]
There are many fans of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. People who have posters and wallpapers and join their fan club entering any competion of theirs....dying to…
- How Brad Pitt Are You?[by: American Starfish, rated: 3.01rated: 3.01/5, published: Jan 11, 2007]
Who doesn't want to be Brad Pitt? Yet, only one person in the world had succeeded to. But maybe you have some of the star qualities- or maybe you just wish…
- How well do you know the AMAZING Sterling Knight?![by: Quiztogo, rated: 2.94rated: 2.94/5, published: Jan 21, 2011]
There are many smart people but few... STERLING SMART people!! Have you got what it takes?! Are you a true Sterling fan? I hope not! Haha.. he is mine!
- How much do you know Johnny Depp?[by: Lizzie, rated: 2.88rated: 2.88/5, published: Jul 10, 2007]
Many people think they know Johnny Depp, but this quiz tells you the truth. So now now one can say they truly know Johnny Depp without taking this quiz first.
- Entertainment Tonite[by: gerry, rated: 2.88rated: 2.88/5, published: Feb 2, 2007]
Where do you stand on entertainment? Are you a tuff guy, pussycat or intellectual? Julia Roberts, Charlie sheen, Kevin Bacon. Who is your hero and what does…
- Are you Bea Arthur?[by: ez_willis, rated: 2.75rated: 2.75/5, published: Aug 5, 2006]
There are only two types of people in this world, those that ARE Bea Arthur, and those that AREN'T Bea Arthur!! Do you know which group you are in??? It's…
- Famous Actors Quiz[by: Adam, rated: 2.69rated: 2.69/5, published: Sep 6, 2007]
How many people do you know that can safely say they're totally knowledgeable in movie trivia, not just about the movies themselves, but also about the ACTORS…
- Name That Actor.[by: Honeytoast, rated: 2.58rated: 2.58/5, published: Oct 13, 2013]
Take this quiz to find out how much you know about actors and actresses. Test your knowledge on who played in what movie to test your movie star trivia.
- How Gary Sinise are you?[by: Jason Rodriguez, rated: 2.52rated: 2.52/5, published: Sep 20, 2006]
Gary Sinise is a true master of modern cinema. Writer, producer, director...lover. Some say he could end world hunger by his acting alone. I don't know much…
- Do You Know Megan Fox?![by: MurrDurr14, rated: 2.4rated: 2.4/5, published: Mar 10, 2010]
Lets just get this straight, megan fox is a goddess. She is a creature of ultimate beauty, and everyone should know everything about her. I understand they…
- How Well Do You Know Taylor Lautner?[by: charlotte guy, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Nov 4, 2012]
This quiz is about Taylor Lautner as you can see in the title. This quiz will have all different sorts of questions, such as his favourites and other life…
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