Theatre Quizzes
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For all the theatrical fans out there, you've arrived at our theater quiz page. Includes musicals, dramas, comedies, and more. Note that we don't have much content here yet, but more will be added in time.
Our Theatre Quizzes
- Lyrics Quiz (Hamilton Edition)![by: Spinny, rated: 4.39rated: 4.39/5, published: Jun 8, 2017]
Ever listened to Hamilton? Do you know Hamilton a little? Do you brag to your friends that you are a complete Hamilton expert? Take this quiz to see if you…
- Which Dear Evan Hansen Character Are You?[by: Kristin L, rated: 4.17rated: 4.17/5, published: Dec 7, 2018]
This is a quiz for all the Dear Evan Hansen lovers out there (or just the bored Broadway lovers). Dear Evan Hansen is a beautifully written, inspiring,…
- Which Female Broadway Character Should You Play?[by: Kristin, rated: 3.89rated: 3.89/5, published: Dec 9, 2018]
This is a quiz for all the female Broadway lovers out there! Have you ever wondered which female Broadway character you would be best cast as? This quiz will…
- Which Character from Romeo and Juliet are You?[by: Ms. Cusimano, rated: 3.74rated: 3.74/5, published: Feb 16, 2011]
Each character has unique characteristics. Which one best matches your own personality? Are you a hopeless romantic? A fighter with a short temper?
- How well do you know Hamilton?[by: Hamilfan, rated: 3.52rated: 3.52/5, published: Oct 17, 2016]
Many people (okay, not that many people) claim to be true Hamilfans, but we both know what we know, which is that only a fraction of the people reading this…
- Which Hamilton Character Are You?[by: Lila, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: May 15, 2020]
Hamilton is an extremely inspiring musical, especially the SONGS! This quiz will match you to one of the characters. Do you think you know who it will be?
- Which Much Ado character are you?[by: Rachael Williams, rated: 3.3rated: 3.3/5, published: May 30, 2007]
Much Ado About Nothing is filled with some of Shakespeare's most vivid and memorable characters, whose traits we can still see in the people around us today.
- Which Shakespeare play are you?[by: Trolling Bankson, rated: 3.26rated: 3.26/5, published: Dec 4, 2012]
Welcome to the quiz! Shakespeare is an amazing author, so I've had to narrow it down to my top five favorites :). If you have any objections to them, let me…
- Which Musical Character That I Project Onto Are You?[by: jurassicparkour, rated: 3.2rated: 3.2/5, published: Oct 13, 2017]
This quiz will match you with a well-known character from musical theater, such as Seymour (Little Shop) or Jack (Newsies).
- How much of a Hunger Games Fan are you?[by: Casey, rated: 3.13rated: 3.13/5, published: Apr 24, 2015]
The Hunger Games has taken the wold by phenomenon! There's fashion, politics, first love, a LOVE TRIANGLE, and of course poverty, violence, blood,…
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