Movies Quizzes
This category contains our best quizzes on anything about movies, the film industry, actors, and individual films. We have a ton of stuff here, broken out by genre, so dive in and see if you can find your favorite movie!
Our Movies Quizzes
- What Movie Are You?[by: Victoria, rated: 3.27rated: 3.27/5, published: Jan 25, 2007]
Have you ever thought that your life should be made into a movie? How does your life rate when it comes to the movies? Would it be a drama, a comedy, a…
- Laurie's Essential Fashion in Film Quiz[by: Laurie Brookins, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: Aug 13, 2013]
An homage to classic moments in film fashion. Do you know the details behind Hollywood's fashion choices?
- Which Fictional Guy is Right for You?[by: PishPosh, rated: 4.19rated: 4.19/5, published: May 21, 2011]
This quiz is for those who have always dreamed and fantasized of being together with a fictional male character! From the worlds of Harry Potter to Star Wars…
- Which Female Movie Stereotype Are You?[by: katd13, rated: 4.17rated: 4.17/5, published: Jun 8, 2013]
We all love movies, but some stereotypes are extremely easy to recognize. You've got the Queen Bee cheerleader, the leading lady, the main male character's…
- Which Movie Character Are You?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 4.06rated: 4.06/5, published: Sep 7, 2016]
Do you know your character tropes? Find out which one you'd be, if you appeared in a movie.
- Which movie villain are you?[by: Ciara, rated: 3.85rated: 3.85/5, published: Apr 19, 2010]
Needless to say, this quiz is all in fun and not to be taken too seriously! That said, it's a personality quiz based on a number of famous villains from movies.
- Can You Be a Movie Mogul[by: quiztester1, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Jul 19, 2013]
You're sitting at your home watching a movie and after about an hour of pure torture say to yourself "˜Self... I can do better than this. I know I can'.
- How Many of These Iconic Movies Have You Seen?[by: TheDorkWhoWrites, rated: 4.18rated: 4.18/5, published: May 8, 2022]
Do you spend lots of time watching movies? Do you NOT spend lots of time watching movies, but were intrigued by this quiz anyway? No matter the reason, this…
- Which Movie Genre are You?[by: Mintvoyager, rated: 4.04rated: 4.04/5, published: Jun 13, 2022]
You know what you like to watch, what movies and books capture your curiosity, but which genre are you? If you were to be in a movie, which type of movie…
- Movies of the '80s[by: wantsd12, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Feb 16, 2012]
We all love the movies of the '80s, but how closely were you paying attention? Can you tell Molly Ringwald from Ally Sheedy? Can you name all the members of…
- What Female Movie Character Are You?[by: Valyn, rated: 3.42rated: 3.42/5, published: May 19, 2010]
Discover which of these ten classic female characters from film is most similar to you.
- What Stereotype Movie Character Are You?[by: malonewashere, rated: 3.29rated: 3.29/5, published: May 23, 2011]
You might see a great movie with interesting characters in the last movie you watched, but when you dig deep inside the movies, you notice that there are only…
- How Which Film Genre Would You Survive Best In?[by: Little Miss Smiley, rated: 3.27rated: 3.27/5, published: Apr 16, 2008]
Just as there are different types of movies, so too are there different types of people. What type of movie could you live in?
- Do you have good taste in movies?[by: Tyler643, rated: 3.26rated: 3.26/5, published: Jan 10, 2015]
Do you think you have a good opinion when it comes to movies? Shockingly, a lot of people don't have a good one, and go around humiliating themselves. Do your…
- Which Johnny character do you love?[by: amazon, rated: 3.23rated: 3.23/5, published: Jun 22, 2007]
Johnny Depp is known for his oddball characters. Which of his characters will you match with in this fun quiz?
- Which Tim Burton film would you exist in?[by: Ben Hickson, rated: 3.17rated: 3.17/5, published: Aug 26, 2006]
It's the question that keeps us all awake at night, isn't it? Get closure and find out which Tim Burton movie you'd be in.
- What Movie Best Describes Your Personality[by: Wendy, rated: 3.15rated: 3.15/5, published: Oct 27, 2014]
Ok, so you all love the movies like hunger games and frozen, but do you know what movie describes you? Find out by taking the quiz below.
- Which Nicolas Cage movie would you exist in?[by: jessica, rated: 2.94rated: 2.94/5, published: Mar 30, 2008]
There are many unusual people out there, but Nicolas Cage has always topped the charts. He is striking, passionate and a bit crazy, which is why I have…
- What are the perfect movies for you to watch?[by: Mario, rated: 2.89rated: 2.89/5, published: Jan 5, 2011]
Have you ever been having a hard time finding movies to watch? Do you not have anything good left to watch? Well, this quiz will not only show you your taste…
- What Archetypal Film Student Are You?[by: Nico Bee, rated: 2.59rated: 2.59/5, published: Feb 24, 2018]
Ever wondered what kind of film kid you are? Even if you're not studying film, these tropes could apply to anyone who loves movies.
- Whats Your Favorite Movie?[by: Jay, rated: 2.54rated: 2.54/5, published: Mar 24, 2008]
This quiz will accurately predict your favorite movie, even if you don't know what it is! Get matched to one of eight excellent films and have fun. :)
- Tim Burton Movie Quiz[by: Brandon Young, rated: 2.21rated: 2.21/5, published: Feb 4, 2009]
Think you know Tim Burton, THE GREATEST FILMMAKER OF ALL TIME? Find out by taking this quiz. Once you are finished, your results will determine how much of a…
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Musicals Quizzes
- Which Dear Evan Hansen Song Are You?[by: Kristin, rated: 4.46rated: 4.46/5, published: Dec 12, 2018]
Dear Evan Hansen is an amazing, inspiring musical with incredibly meaningful songs. This quiz will show you which of the songs from Dear Evan Hansen is most…
- How well do you know The Rocky Horror Picture Show[by: rhpsfan, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Mar 7, 2007]
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is one of the most popular and beloved cult classics of all time. Many people, like me, are huge fans and have been to all kinds…
- High School Musical Quiz[by: Erin and Rachel, rated: 3.42rated: 3.42/5, published: Dec 24, 2006]
It's hard to believe that some people do not know ANYTHING at all about High School Musical. But don't be too scared. Impossible shouldn't be in your…
Mystery Quizzes
- Watching the detectives[by: Iain McDougall, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Apr 24, 2009]
I'm a massive fan of this genre and I've tried to cover this type of quiz from the sixties to the present day. I would certainly welcome any critisism and of…
Quotations Quizzes
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Romance Quizzes
- Which asian drama would you like?[by: Elvaniel, rated: 3.21rated: 3.21/5, published: Dec 23, 2007]
There are SO many romantic asian dramas out there. Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean... So many to choose from, it can be so hard to decide. Do I want…
- How Much Do You Know About Titanic?[by: Katie, rated: 3.7rated: 3.7/5, published: Apr 26, 2008]
Have you ever really thought about the greatness of the "unsinkable" Titanic, and thought to yourself, "Do I know anything about it?" This test should tell…
- SLUmDoG MillioNairE[by: Misty101, rated: 2.77rated: 2.77/5, published: Apr 29, 2009]
Slumdog Millionaire... is a story about this un-educated person being able to win a great amount of money just to see to this other person close to him..Did…
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