Shipper or ripper?

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Hey sorry I'm so late/early. But anyway, are you a shipper or a ripper? So I've only done aphmau and wof ships. I'll probably make another one for like mha and a different one but whatever.

VERY IMPORTANT READ! Okay so one of the questions is actually one of my own ships Amester (when you get up to it. Amy x Sylvester). So today Sylvester asked Amy out she said yes and hugged him, and me and my friends ran off while I was yelling "My ShIp!¡" (Kawaii~Chan mode).

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Aarmau (Aaron x Aphmau)?
  2. Zane-chan/Zana (Zane x KC)?
  3. Travlyn (Travis x Katelyn)?
  4. Blicket (blue x cricket)?
  5. Moonbli (moonwatcher x Qibli)?
  6. Lynxfall (lynx x queen snowfall)?
  7. Garrence (garroth x larence)?
  8. Amester (Amy x Sylvester, read second paragraph to know this one)?
  9. Ava x Asch?
  10. Leif x ava?
  11. Noi x ava?
  12. Pierce x ava?
  13. Rhys x ava
  14. Ripnami (tsunami x riptide)?
  15. Glorybringer (glory x deathbringer)?

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