Are you a sokeefe shipper?

To see if you are a real and true sokeefe shipper. Includes Unlocked lines, scenes from the books, and random moments from all of the characters. Enjoy!

This quiz has slight Unlocked spoilers, but nothing much. I hope you like this, and don’t forget to comment!!!! *I’m just typing this part so I have the word limit done*

Created by: Cady
  1. Favorite line from Unlocked?
  2. Favorite scene from Lodestar?
  3. Favorite scene from Neverseen?
  4. Favorite scene/line from book one?
  5. Favorite scene from Exile?
  6. Favorite scene from Everblaze?
  7. Favorite scene from Nightfall?
  8. *skipping Flashback* Favorite scene in Legacy?
  9. Favorite two character pairings?
  10. Have you enjoyed this quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Am I a sokeefe shipper?
