Are you a true Percabeth shipper?

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Think you know Percabeth well enough to call yourself the ultimate shipper? Well, take this test to find out! Your scores will vary depending on how much you really ship Percabeth...

These questions will test your memory and fangirl/fanboy skills. You'll also need to remember your training, and all the stalking you've done of Percabeth over the years... Good luck. GET READY TO START THIS DAM PERCABETH TEST!

Created by: kat
  1. What was the first thing Annabeth said to Percy?
  2. How many kisses does Percabeth share in the PJO series?
  3. How does Percy first describe Annabeth?
  4. Where is Percabeth's first kiss?
  5. What day does Percabeth fall into Tartarus?
  6. How old are Percy and Annabeth when they finally start dating?
  7. After Percy goes missing in HoO, how long does it take for Percabeth to reunite?
  8. What does Annabeth do when Percabeth reunites?
  9. Out of the following ships, which makes the most sense to you and could've actually exited (that isn't Percabeth)?
  10. What is the first thing Percy says directly to Annabeth?
  11. How does Percabeth fall into Tartarus?
  12. At what age does Annabeth begin her crush on Percy?
  13. Why does Annabeth think they can't be friends?
  14. Why does Annabeth take a knife for Percy (The Last Olympian)?
  15. Who was Annabeth jealous of because of their relationship with Percy (Battle of The Labyrinth)
  16. In which book (PJO and HoO) do Percabeth kiss the most?
  17. What is Annabeth's nickname for Percy?
  18. What is Percy's nickname for Annabeth?
  19. How much time do Annabeth and Percy spend in Tartarus?
  20. How much would you rate Percabeth on 10?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Percabeth shipper?
