TheLuminairies's Profile

Joined on Apr 13, 2021
Status Level: Novice
TheLuminairies's Quizzes
- Which Hogwarts characters would be your best friend?[published: Jun 30, 2021, 6 comments]
Hello, I made this just 'cuz I could. (And 'cuz they are very popular right……
- Which of the olympian gods is your parent?[published: Jun 27, 2021, 5 comments]
This is a Percy Jackson quiz. So, I did as many of the twelve olympian gods as I……
- Do some RP and i'll tell you your Hogwarts house.[published: Jun 21, 2021, 6 comments]
Well come to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Now before you get……
- Your life in hogwarts boy edition (SPOILER WARNING)[published: Jun 08, 2021, 1 comment]
Hello, so the title says it all but just in case you didn't see SPOILER……
- Answer These Questions and Get Your Marauders Boyfriend.[published: Apr 25, 2021, 2 comments]
So, this is Harry Potter. The results are Sirius Black, James Potter,……
- Pick some quotes and I'll tell you your hogwarts house.[published: Apr 21, 2021, 8 comments]
So, you got a letter inviting you to Hogwarts. Amazing! Now all you have……
TheLuminairies's Recent Posts
"What video game was it? (I know, super random)"
"You've never disapointed me once."
"I'm so freaking sorry"
"I'm still novice, it sucks."
"Lets be honest, everyone failing academicaly tho. Like how i realized 2+2=4 yesterday. MIND BLOWN XD"
"Sending u a virtual hug in 3... 2... 1..."
"Math homework is THE WORST its so frusterating!!!!!!!!!!!"
"XD Thats hilarious!"
"Ha XD He sounds awesome!"
"Hey, when your family is trash turn to your friends. Unless your friends are jerks, like mine are half the time, if they are then turn"
"Okee, thanks I'll tell my parents that!"
"I've had a bunny before. I think I took good care of him. My parents say its 'cuz dogs are expensive, but I have enough money!"
"Black Widow, even though I never watch Marvel."
"I TRIED that, my parents still won't let me! They are SO ANNOYING!!!!!"
TheLuminairies's Recent Quiz Comments
How am I supposed to know what page a stupid typo is on.
1 -
"I got a tie between Fred and Neville!"
In response to Psionpath:
"I got Fred Weasly"
1 -
"I got a tie between Neville and Fred!"
In response to Gacha_Summer:
"I got Neville!"
1 -
"I got fantassy.
Yes, its my favorite genre.
Whats yours?"In response to Million_Dreams:
"*commenting on my own quiz*
:)"2 -
"Same, this was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
In response to Elliryanna:
"Artistic nerd and literature nerd tied. Completely…"
0 -
"Awesome, 100%
super fun, and accurate."1 -
"It was accurate, but slytherins are not evil. RUDE."
1 -
1 -
"Pog 92%"
In response to Spagety_Snakey:
"i got pog also 89% :D"
1 -
In response to TheLuminairies:
"Hi (Yes I took my one quiz and I think its…"