Just A nother Harry Potter House quiz

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Hi this is a Harry Potter house quiz!!!! It is my first quiz.its my first quiz so like. is kinda obese. But please take and most enportenly have fun. Bye. Vale, Xoxo, good day

Ummmm. I have nothing else to Wight to go join the group, Roblox school of witch craft and wizardry. On roblox please it would mean A lot to me. See ya in the quiz.

Created by: Lila
  1. What of these is your favorite?
  2. If you had A million dollars. You wouldn't.
  3. What is your opinion about blood
  4. What is your best trait?
  5. Have you read the hp books
  6. Who is your favorite character?
  7. Favorite song
  8. Do you think you should brush your teeth every single morning and night
  9. Would you call someone a mean name to their face?
  10. Would you die for your family?

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