Who Are You in the Harry Potter World?

This is a homemade Who are you in the Harry Potter world? Made by one of your super fans. This is one of my first quiz's so I hope this test is good enough to help your Harry Potter love Shine. Xoxo lol.

I am a superfan and I love making things so here it is. Please comment.💖 I love Harry potter and I want to share things with you as one fan to another. Lol xoxo.

Created by: Ginny Weasley
  1. Where is your common room?
  2. What is your best subject?
  3. Whose house do you want to be in?
  4. What is your fascination with Harry Potter?
  5. Who would you rather date?
  6. Who would you take to the yule ball?
  7. BONUS QUESTION!!! Who is Gellert Grindlewald's best friend?
  8. Who said this and in witch book?''I didn't kill you.''
  9. Who would you KISS in the Harry Potter world?
  10. And finally the last question. Are you a troublemaker or a rule follower?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the Harry Potter World?
